#11 The Ins and Outs of Anger (Part 1)

This is the first post of several that I will write about anger, as I promised at the end of post #9 (Be Angry … Yet Do Not Sin).

What is Anger?

We know what anger is by experience. The dictionary says it is a strong feeling of displeasure. Most would categorize anger as a bad thing; but God doesn’t do this. Rather He says, “Be angry and yet do not sin.” In other words, it’s okay to feel anger; just don’t sin as a result. So, the obvious question is: Continue reading “#11 The Ins and Outs of Anger (Part 1)”

#10 The Big Lemon: Genesis 3:16 (Part 1 of 3)

The one lemon verse in the Old Testament is Genesis 3:16. I am going to break-up this lengthy explanation into multiple posts.

Note that the explanation of “Lemon One” (given in post #8) is now permanently accessible from this website’s main menu via the sub item of the “Lemons” tab: “Eight Lemons Turned to Grapes.”

More to come …

#8 Lemon One: 1 Corinthians 11:1-16

A Questionable Message in a Swamp of Words

So, now we come to the explanation of 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, the first lemon passage. (I will be covering all seven New Testament lemon passages in order of their appearance in the Bible.)

Each lemon explanation opens with four subheadings: “The Passage,” “The Misfit,” “The Fit,” and “The De-lemonization.”

“The Passage” is typically a quote from the King James Version. If the quote is from a different Bible version, it is because that version’s translation requires less modification to turn it from a lemon into a grape.

“The Misfit” contains a summary of the way that the passage is commonly understood.

“The Fit” contains a summary of the way that the passage can rightfully be understood and, thereby, fit well in the context of the whole Bible.

“The De-lemonization” provides a detailed explanation of how to change the lemon from a misfit to a fit, or maybe I should say, from a lemon to a grape.

Each explanation also ends with a possible retranslation (typically with  only some minor changes) that turns it from a lemon to a grape.


#7 De-lemonizing the Lemons

It is noteworthy that in general, the lemon translations hold two basic messages: Woman must submit to man and woman should be quiet.

Seriously, is this the good news? Is this the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Remember that it was a woman who first proclaimed the good news of Christ’s resurrection, and to a male audience, no less. (I would guess that her delivery was a highly emotional one—after all, she had just been with Jesus!) Continue reading “#7 De-lemonizing the Lemons”

#5 Some Chain-Rattling Truth

After reading the young woman’s heartfelt, brave response (on the private site) to my previous post, I have decided to call her Courageous.

Dear Courageous,

I wanted to include the following excerpt in my previous post, but didn’t so as to keep it from being way too long! So I guess you can consider this part 2 of that post:



#4 God Gets My Attention

I intended to write about the first Lemon (1 Cor. 11:1-16) in this post; however, after reading a heart-wrenching post yesterday by a young woman on an egalitarian Facebook page that I follow (a private, not public, group), I decided to make a short side-trip before beginning the trek down the lemon road.

I replied on the FB page and told her that I was going to use my blog to respond to what she wrote, because it might also be helpful to some others who read my blog, but don’t follow that site. So here it is: Continue reading “#4 God Gets My Attention”

#3 What is a “Lemon”?

I am finding that the lemon metaphor I have begun to use makes it easy for me to bring up and talk about (debunk) the bondage-producing verses in the Bible about women–those that have been held front and center in Christian teaching and used to hurt women for centuries in the devil’s war against her.  What is the Lemon metaphor?

#2 One of God’s Biggest Clues About Woman …

A momentary pause …
Capilano suspension bridge
Biking around the peninsula

I’m back from my trip and have recuperated from following my granddaughter-athlete up and down the streets of Vancouver. I am happy to be stationary  in my comfy computer chair, ready to begin blogging in earnest.

Not wanting to waste your time or mine, I am starting with a big serving of meat Continue reading “#2 One of God’s Biggest Clues About Woman …”