Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Prayer alert:

Texas has filed what is called an original jurisdiction lawsuit with the Supreme Court. To the best of my understanding, this is when a state sues another state. In this case Texas is suing 4 states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin). The contention is that Texas citizens are being wronged, defrauded by these other states who have not followed the constitution with regard to elections.  If the Supreme Court accepts the case, it will be a trial case, something that is very rare in the Supreme Court. This means there will be witnesses.

Watch John Bachman’s show on Newsmax (today Dec. 8) for some explanation about this from Jenna Ellis and from Alan Dershowitz. Here are some fascinating things about this case

1. The lawyers: Ted Cruz and L. N. (can’t find his name right now), but the latter is an old Democrat lawyer who is a constitutionalist, textualist, etc. and is known as being a highly principled person. He has written about states suing states and is an expert on this. He believes this is necessary at this point in the fight over election fraud. The case is basically in defense of the Constitution.

2. Dershowitz says if accepted, it will be televised! Supreme Court cases are not ever televised because they are not trials with witnesses; but he says the SC cannot say no to TV in a trial case.

My take: If this happens, this trial will be public and the mainstream media will find themselves in a position to need to cover it live. If so, ALL Americans, liberals and conservatives would be shown the trial. Think about it: A Republican lawyer and a Democrat lawyer defending the Constitution in front of all of America! Wow. Make it so, Lord! Let us pray this case is accepted and televised by all news outlets! This could be the miracle so many have been praying for. This has the potential to bring all the the evidence the MSM has been hiding by laying out truthful evidence before all who watch. It isn’t clear to me what the outcome could be, but the lawsuit is asking that the Dec. 14th deadline be set aside while states due the necessary validating, investigating, etc. and it calls into question to validity of electoral votes by states who do not do so, possibly setting the stage for Congress to decide the next President.

Okay, that’s the best I can do to explain it. Let’s keep watching and praying. We have been praying that all Americans would know the truth so they could think rightly and reach right conclusions. Make it so Lord!

Also, for prayer this is quoted from Jay Sekulow:

Today MAJOR election action is happening at the Supreme Court.

In a major development at the Supreme Court, Justice Alito has ordered Pennsylvania to respond to a critical election irregularity lawsuit THIS MORNING. The Supreme Court could rule BEFORE PA seats its electors at NOON today.

We’ve been telling you that every LEGAL vote must count, and the Constitution MUST be upheld. The integrity of the election and the right to vote are the foundation of our constitutional republic.

At the ACLJ, we were built for this moment. Our legal team is already hard at work, preparing to protect the integrity of this critical election. We helped deliver a stunning rebuke in the landmark Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, and we’re ready to take action again.

(Watch our live broadcast for up-to-the-minute legal analysis at noon ET on, Facebook, and YouTube.)

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