Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


We read and prayed from a number of verses various ones brought to the meeting:

Psa.5:4, 5, 6

Psa 55:9

Mark 11:22

One shared about something an evangelist named Mario Marillo said after seeing what was happening in meetings in California with all kinds of drug addicts, etc. getting strongly saved: “There is revival as such as was seen in the Jesus movement coming. A cataclysmic correction of evil is coming. Sudden and awe inspiring.”

Psa 94:1-8; 12-15

We prayed about God bringing healing in the body of Christ through specific repentance for not seeing the body of Christ with all (small and great) functioning under the leading of the Spirit. Prayed repentance for the clergy/laity system that hinders this spiritual reality as God intended it. Prayed for the purging of sexual sin from the church. Prayed for all the dead bones (dead due to all of this sin in the body of Christ) to repent and be reconciled and come together like the bones in the valley in Eze. 37. That God will shake them until this reconnection happens and then the Spirit coming and filling them making them a great spiritual army!

We thanked the Lord for a breakthrough vote in the House Legislature in KS and that there would be the same kind of vote in the KS Senate. We had strong prayer against pro-murder (abortion) laws and against Biden’s support of such. 62 million murders and counting!

We prayed that those who are practicing censorship of others would be censored by God!

We touched on some of the following, but need to pray more about:

-Freedom of speech not being shut down

-Trump’s impeachment to turn out for good and justice to prevail in January

-Truth to come out where all Americans can know it

-Ability for Christians to vocalize truth (real facts of matters) to others without fear

-For God to put up a spiritual wall around this country (that Biden cannot do anything about)

-For Trump to be successful helping states restore election integrity

-That God will flip a number of centrist democrats in Congress to vote against the democratic far left agenda at every turn


FYI … not shared during the meeting but here is one more thing. I responded to a GOP poll asking if I trusted the media with “No” and then responded to the question if there was anything I wanted to say with the following:

“I also don’t trust government that has people in it who are sold out for their own benefit. I find them disgusting and evil (numerous Republicans included).

I trust in the One who reigns overall, who  does what is best for all. I trust the One who answers prayers. The answer to many prayers, (including  those of me and 4 other grandmothers who started praying regularly last June),  to stop Biden and all the evil associated with him, [the answer] was “no” so Christians would ask Him why. That is happening now. The answer is that most individual Christians are not truly following the real King Jesus. They have put their trust in others (pastors, politicians, gov. officials) as if they were King. Now these five grandmothers are praying for repentance for this and other grievous sins in the church so there can be a society changing revival that God will bring when such repentance takes place. It’s called governing by grandmothers who have access to the Most High and His court of judgment.” 🙂

Let’s keep up the good governance ladies!



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