Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Jane and I saw Wendy on FrankSpeech, and she was great. This video interview gave me some new insight.

She was in on the ground floor of the full forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, and is helping other legislators in other states work through getting audits in their states. The interviewer asked her why she was going to other states because she is only an Arizona senator. She replied that she took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. She also said that the election belongs to us, the citizens, and that she was helping others as a citizen.

This election was stolen from us, the people of the U.S. Bad actors stole votes in every county of every state by using computers (machines related to the elections). We were told that they were not connected to the Internet when in fact they were. Lindell has the complete data readout of the entire election. Computer code was employed in every state to effect a predetermined win for Biden and others. You can actually see the entrance of foreign countries into the system and tell how many votes were switched from Trump to Biden!

This gargantuan crime affected all of us. Therefore, we need audits in every state to inspect the damage that was done and provide the specific, irrefutable proof that can be used to rectify the current situation and to set up a way for the future. We, as citizens, have the right and should require that elections are done properly. The legislators are our representatives. They work for us. An audit is a normal course of business, and we should not accept things like simple recounts that do not get at the massive fraud that was done via the machines!

All that has come out on has shined a light on the devil’s work. It’s time to pray and write our representatives and request a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. It’s either that or accept the fact that our votes don’t really matter! Watch and pray … and write!


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