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- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10/01/2018 at 12:49 pm by
September 20, 2018 at 6:30 pm #5074September 29, 2018 at 7:03 pm #5142
Slide 87,
Susanne brought this to my attention and I am really thankful to her for that!
In regards to slide 87, I looked up the verse in the Hebrew language, and even the previous words have a powerful meaning behind them!
Where it says [how long will you gad about] you daughter, the word in Hebrew for ‘gad about’ is ‘chamaq’ and Strong’s concordance gives this defintion:
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
‘Withdraw Self’The next word that stood out to me was ‘shobeb’ and it means [backsliding, faithless and apostate ]
So, ‘How long will you gad about daughter backsliding for has created Yahweh a new thing in the earth for a woman shall encompass a man.’
Finally, the new thing that the Lord will do on the earth is to use women to ‘sabab’ [turn around, change, and bring back] man from his fallen nature into the New Creation in the Body of Christ.
This is really cool, so God is saying for a woman not to withdraw herself and abandon her original call for dominion and responsibility over the earth alongside man, and that God would use her repentance and responsibility taking to do a new thing on the earth where woman will bring back and turn around man to the original command of Genesis!
The above is what I take away from it.
It is also very true that “withdrawing” ourselves and living as slaves instead of co-partners and co-rulers brings evil, pain, and disaster on earth in all levels of society and ministry. So much of the hidden abuses and sexual sins in the Church have been historically and continue to be linked to patriarchy and complementarianism, it is starting to show now more than ever as things that have been hidden are coming to light. It is up to us women to rise up, repent, take hold of our rightful inheritance in the New Creation and Body of Christ and encourage our men to turn around, change, and repent also. I think many men would be willing to repent if women did not enable their sinful behavior of allowing them to rule over us.
So ‘chamaq’ [to gad about and withdraw ourselves] is the opposite of what God wants. Instead, if we repent and stop ‘shobeb’ [backsliding being, an apostate to God’s original command] than God will do a new thing on the earth and use us women to ‘shobeb’ [turn around, change, and bring back] the men to the original command in Genesis. Then the Kingdom of God can manifest itself fully on the earth.
These are some of my insights about it. Jane, this is powerful stuff you have uncovered and brought to light!
October 1, 2018 at 11:16 am #5153Anca,
I love this post! I just saw it (when I was writing up a quick summary about the retreat while it is still fresh on my mind.) Your take away statement is awesome, so I’m repeating it:
“… so God is saying for a woman not to withdraw herself and abandon her original call for dominion and responsibility over the earth alongside man, and that God would use her repentance and responsibility taking to do a new thing on the earth where woman will bring back and turn around man to the original command of Genesis!” AMEN! SO BE IT!
October 1, 2018 at 12:49 pm #5154 -
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