Reply To: Book I (1) Winter 86 note; September 27, 1987 —> October 10, 1987


This book of notes from Bill Mallon does reveal a lot about the disturbances going on in 1987. I was still in a local church in this year and I clearly remember the huge push for all saints to purchase Life-Study Messages and use them for “morning watch” and as a basis for testimonies in the meetings. This happening as well as the videotaped training sessions resulted in meetings becoming very controlled and with less flow of the Spirit and enjoyment. These real-time handwritten notes reveal a “behind the scenes” view of what was going on in the local churches in these days.

As I look over the photo copies of the Book I notes from Bill Mallon (WEM) I can see the unfolding of concern regarding the son of Witness Lee (WL), Phillip Lee (PL). This is discussed in conversation Bill Mallon had 9-27-87 with John Ingalls (JI) (photocopies DSC02037-DSC02038 as well as DSC02042 of 10-5-87 conversation). In photocopies DSC02045-DSC02046 of 10-9-87 JI tells of speaking with Dan Towle (DT) regarding PL.

In the photocopies DSC02047-DSC02048 dated 10-10-87 Don Rutledge (DR) mentions his concern as to “why we come around this route after 25 years – is wrong principle re the ministry being the focus. WL’s teaching is okay but to focus on WL as can’t be wrong, follow the ministry, DT, etc., is to build ministry at the expense of the saints, churches.”
In the photocopies DSC02053-DSC02054 Bill has notes from conversation with JI and DR also 10-10-87 in which DR states there is a much bigger problem than PL. The problem is centralization, the teaching to promote the office, the ministry. DR goes on to say that he has no interest in promoting Jerry Falwell’s or WL’s ministry. He says he’s seen the videos and he’s grieved. Our vision of the church is becoming fuzzy because of our practice. He said his concern is not PL but Benson. Benson and Ray promoted PL and the office to do things according to the ministry’s way. He goes on to say Benson is promoting centralization.



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