Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


July 25th prayer.
Some quick notes after our prayer time:

We had good prayer again today. Here is a brief list of the topics we prayed for (not in any order):
. Law and order to be restored, spirit of antichrist is lawlessness, anarchy needs to stop
. For Trump to have wisdom about using the Federal gov. / states vs fed gov and vice versa is a scary place to be
. For God’s people to wake up, repent and begin to pray big prayers
. Miracle covid-19 plague removal where God gets the glory
. Durham report to result in prosecutions of criminals
. For the McCloskeys (home defenders) situation to wake up even democrats to fear that could be them
. For many democrats to come out in support of Trump as Vernon Jones in Georgia did
. For Leo Terrell (a civil rights lawyer) who is speaking out against the falseness of the black lives matter movement (he said, “All black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter”)
. For Tom Yoho / OAC clash; that she be stopped
. For us to learn to pray and rule and reign with Christ now in preparation for the future
. For stopping demonic speaking through the mouths of people in the government (example: gang of 5 with AOC) that are speaking in support of anarchy, rioting, etc. in the name of “social justice” etc.
. For truth to surface and prevail in news media and in government.
. To prevent voting fraud especially mail-in votes
. For the rotten apples in government to be uncovered and removed

Some asked for this link about Louis Gomhert’s resolution which made me think of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal (where to solve the problems of hunger and too many orphans, he proposed eating the orphans). This resolution speaks loudly to the foolishness of wiping out our history by destroying things and changing names:

Get rid of the name “democrat” because of its ties to the promotion of slavery

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