Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Sorry for not writing about our last few weeks of prayer. We have continued praying about the topics previously mentioned, especially for our country and for the church at large. We are praying for truth to surface in all areas of life, government, church, etc. and for people to be able to KNOW what is true and not be deceived and to make right decisions accordingly.

Last week our main prayer theme turned out to be LET THERE BE LIGHT! For the government we prayed that mail in votes would not be used to steal the election. We prayed for president Trump that he would not be hurt by lies and that every lie formed against him would turn out to be for him (like the striped and speckled sheep story in the Bible about Jacob).  For the church, we are praying that individuals will wake up to their personal responsibility to follow Jesus and repent! That they will seek to know Him directly and intimately, depend on Him, and really pray for His kingdom to come, as he told us to do! This includes repentance for passing off individual responsibility to Christian leaders and looking to them to teach us, help us, etc., and includes repenting for praying for church agendas and programs to succeed instead of His kingdom to come! We prayed that bad apple Christian leaders would be exposed (wicked shepherds) and stop hurting God’s sheep. We bound all kinds of false teachings and prophesying to the church, again praying that God’s sheep will be able to recognize wolves.

As for answers to prayer, we continue to hear things in the news that are very encouraging. One of the things we prayed last week in line with LIGHT and TRUTH was that the light would be so bright that died in the wool partisans (whichever party, though most of us have a bent) would be persuadable and willing to change their positions by the light being so bright that they had to acknowledge what was true and act accordingly.  Karen sent me an encouraging email this week about one answer in line with this prayer. (Maybe she will post that??? )

We have also been praying that sex-trafficking of children will become a topic that gets far reaching attention and that those behind this great evil who use their positions of power to keep it hidden from the public, will get exposed, caught, and stopped. John sent me this link this morning and if you read it you will see that Tim T. is saying now is the time for this topic to come to light. The story he tells about what his father did and what his family has done in this vein is very inspirational. Here is the link:

Tim Tebow and Human Trafficking-Not on Our Watch


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