Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Sorry again for the late reporting. We continue to pray and be amazed at some specific answers.

Our main prayer is that truth will surface, that lies will be bound, and that people will know what is true so they can make decisions accordingly. We are in a fight for truth and freedom that is fierce.

We have been praying that Democrats who do not like the far left lawlessness and godless policies/practices will be willing to vote for Trump. Last week Kay told us that her granddaughter, who is a Democrat, said that she has been watching Trump and has decided that she actually likes him and will vote for him.

John and I watched CSPAN last night to see the Republican National Convention without all the pundits interrupting. It was so much better doing that! We were able to form our own thoughts about what we were seeing without unwanted input constantly interrupting.

Join me in praying more people will think about CSPAN and watch it this week so they can get an unfiltered version of events, especially Independents and Democrats. One caller who was a Democrat called in to CSPAN after the event. He said that what he heard for himself had changed his mind and he would be voting for Trump.

John and I talked today about how this country was set up by people who wanted to be free from an oppressive religious environment in England and Europe. They wanted to be free to make their own decisions about what they believed and to be able to speak what they believed without facing retribution. They wanted to be able to follow God for themselves and not be told by the church what they could believe or do. The contents of the Constitution show that influence clearly. We are in danger of losing that hard won freedom.

Maybe what lies at the root of what certainly seems to be God’s hand of judgment all around us is our misuse of the freedom that this country’s fathers secured for us (our using it to do what we want instead of using it to follow the Lord and let Him lead us into the good works He has for each of us). (We have been reading a lot in the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel lately, so it’s hard not to see the parallels in our times.)

Last Saturday, we also prayed for believers everywhere to wake up and start seeking Jesus for themselves and learning to follow Him. We prayed God’s light would shine on any and all corruption in the church (idolatry and sexual sin in particular) and rescue his people from following and lifting up Christian leaders instead of Him.

It is time for God’s people to repent for using their freedom to serve themselves and not Him.

We prayed for Kay’s husband last week and his Covid test came back negative.

Didn’t make notes about the last few weeks prayer so I can’t write more than this, but am feeling very encouraged that God is hearing us and wants us to ask. “You have not because you ask not.”

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