Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Some notes from the RNC tonight.

Considering all we have learned about God’s view of women and the purpose of “Them” that God has been showing us, I found this quote at the convention tonight to be significant:

“The day will come when man
will recognize woman as his peer,
not only at the fireside,
but in the councils of the nation.

Then, and not until then,
will there be the perfect comradeship,
the ideal union between the sexes
that shall result in
the highest development of the race.”
–Susan B. Anthony

Nations that empower women are much wealthier, safer, and much more politically stable.”
–President Donald J. Trump.

Women and Trump: The first woman to manage a winning presidential election, Kelly Ann Conway;  also first black woman to represent in a winning campaign (communiations director) ?;  Three women press secretaries, all working mothers (Sarah Sanders, a mom, Stephanie Grisham, a single mom, Kayleigh McEnany, who transitioned into the job of press secretary while transitioning into the job of a mom.) All dedicated, amazing, brilliant women. Trump’s senior staff women have approximately 75 children among them. Trump respects those who work hard and treats capable women with respect and confidence not because of their gender, but their capabilities. There are more women on his team than any president ever before.  When the stakes are highest, he is proud to give the most important and critical jobs to women.

“Only the President would say, let’s take that stay-at-home mom and let her run the Republican party. What a smart guy.” –Ronna McDaniel.

Tiffany Trump – a recent graduate asked what kind of country do we want to live in. My father will build it again (after pandemic)! This is a fight for freedom vs oppression.  Make judgment based on results not rhetoric. Misinformation system keeps people mentally enslaved. We need truth to make good decisions. Why is one view point promoted while one is shut down. Why? Our nations suffers by inhibiting our diversity of thought. She quoted the man from Cuba who spoke last night, having witnessed Castro’s takeover through lies. He said, “If freedom is lost in this country, there is no place left to go.”

Many people spoke showcasing all the things Trump has done. An unbelievable number.

Opened with a charismatic prayer, full of faith, blessing, and “in the name of Jesus”  Numerous testimonies about life-changing faith.

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