Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Quick update after watching the RNC again tonight on CSPAN. I could see by the call -ins afterwards that our prayers are being answered that God would make truth heard and understood so that people could decide based on facts not lies or spin. I lost count of how many callers called in to say they were Democrats, but were going to vote for Trump because they did not like the track of the Democratic party towards socialism. They don’t want the police defunded and they don’t want to lose the freedom we take for granted in America. They believe Trump cares about the right things to keep America. One said that the last straw for him was Trump being attacked from day one of his presidency and the democrats not even giving him a chance. Lord, let there be more and more light! Bind all political darkness and give us leaders who will take care of our being able to live quiet and peaceful lives so that we may serve You!

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