Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


We had another good time of prayer and fellowship today. S.J. whom some of us have not seen in many years came today. It was wonderful to reconnect with her and to hear her prayers that rang clear as a bell with truth. God is so good! S. commented on how so many of God’s people are praying. She said she had been praying for revival. We told her we have been praying the same. We all prayed again today that God would convict His people one by one and bring them to repentance. I shared how it is a matter of historical record that revival breaks out when God’s people repent and get right with him. The church becomes a light and society benefits as many are turned to God.

We also prayed for Pres. Trump, for protection and blessing on him; for him to stay strong physically and for the Lord to carry him through the days ahead. We prayed again Let there be light! Light that expose the darkness and separate falsehood from truth. We prayed that law and order will be restored and freedom preserved. We prayed again for every bad apple in governments (fed and state and local) to be expelled and for God to put people with integrity in office. We praised Him in advance for hearing and answering our prayers. We may be few and be among those who are considered foolish things, but when a few small foolish things ask in faith, God hears! Feeling blessed to belong to Him and be privileged to fight the good fight and pray for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

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