Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


I said I would do this, so I am going to do my best. Pardon the composition in advance, I am just trying to capture the big picture of our fellowship and prayer:

Very good prayer time last Saturday. We got down to business and made some requests of our King!

First, here are some answers to  prayers we have been praying:

1. That Sex trafficking of children come into public awareness (be more in the news) and more and more perpetrators be arrested and stopped.

– a big story on Fox news about 39 human trafficking victims who were rescued and perpetrators arrested (Georgia officials working with federal officials in a “Not Forgotten” Program. News person said something to the effect [to the person she was interviewing that is behind the initiative] “thanks for the work being done to bring this hidden crime to light.”)

– a few days later another story (9/2)  on news:  Operation Underground – an organization has been rescuing young girls from sex-trafficking.  They told how the New York Times magazine published an article defending the arrested men (the predators) saying they were wrongly arrested because they had been arrested just as they were about to commit the sex crime against a minor, not after the fact, so there was no evidence! (The point is to save the girls!!) The Times said these men were innocent because they hadn’t done the deed yet for which they were arrested (sting operations). There was a good interview with the founder of Operation Underground who said they they have a  95% conviction rate with of those they had helped be arrested. The founder had been accused of saying he was a Christian who prayed. He answered to the affect that he was answering God’s call to him   “Find the lost children …”  To having been condemned as a praying Christian, he responded something like, “I believe in God and prayer. Yes. I make no apology.”

2. We have been praying that what is true would become so apparent that Democrats who have only been listening to liberal media would be able to see through all the spin and would wake up and vote for Trump and law and order.

— this past week 6 more democratic leaders came out (Minnesota) with a letter saying they will vote for Trump and explaining why. They said that the democrats have left them, not vice versa and Trump represents the interests of their constituencies who are trying to save their businesses, preserve their property and their freedom.

3. We have been praying “Let there be light!” Light so bright that truth cannot be hidden:

— Joe B’s speech a few mos. ago: “I will stop fracking (emphatic and repeated)” Now, there is a new clip of him saying “I will never stop fracking!”  Per Tucker Carlson, this speech was dubbed as the worst ever in a democratic campaign because every line in it was a lie.  Such darkness is making the light more apparent.   More things like this, but I can’t remember them now.

4. We prayed that whatever is done evilly against the President to sway public opinion will work the opposite and sway it for Trump (like Jacob and Laban. When Laban tried to get gain by taking the speckled sheep (there were more of them) and leaving the spotted for Jacob (fewer of them)  (it may be the opposite, but you get the idea) that God would flip it so that there were more spotted and fewer speckled. In other words, whatever was done evilly against Trump God would change to be for him (mail-in voting, etc.)

–The democrats let the riots continue apparently hoping this would make Trump look bad. Biden was silent on the topic for  3 months (not condemning the riots or doing anything to appeal for their end; said nothing about any of it at the DNC), then after the RNC, the tide began to flip and people were beginning to blame  the Democratic mayors, governors, etc. Seeing the plan was backfiring, Biden came out and started talking about the months of riots for the first time, blaming Trump and his “white nationalists and white supremacists” for instigating them; Interestingly the Democrats watching liberal media had been told little to nothing about the riots for these three months, so we realized some of them may have been awakened to say “What riots?”  More light it seems!!

–Also Biden quoted Kayleigh McEnany as having said that they (Trump and the Republicans) liked the rioting because it will get Trump re-elected. Bill Mauer (a staunch democrat) said he wished Biden had not said that (either that or the other thing about the rioting) … Mauer actually saw something and admitted it!

–Or it may have been this that Biden said that Mauer commented on:

Biden said Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb! A black man did!

Let their be light:

–Some light came on Nancy P. caught on camera as a hypocrite: getting her hair done at a closed salon in CA, not wearing a mask after repeatedly slamming Trump for not wearing a mask and not keeping Covid rules. Then throwing the salon owner who told the story under the bus as having set her up.  A small thing, but light on her behavior might cost her some women’s votes (Democratic women who are stuck at home in CA not able to go to hair salons.)  When she said she was set up by the hair salon, she apologized for getting set up. !!!

A. D. told me that Kamala Harris has appeared in pictures with a woman who is a known witch and who does artwork with human blood and cells of aborted babies.  Gross. I have felt that KH was involved in the occult and if this is true (haven’t tried to verify) this is terrible. Lord save us from governance by such people.

More prayers for all the above and for people like Tucker Carlson who are fearlessly reporting things that are not PC. Carlson presented strong evidence that Google and Facebook are actively banning and removing all posts they don’t like that help Trump.  Tucker said the polling for Trump shows to be down due to one thing: the suffering of people under Covid. The scapegoat is Trump. Any truth coming out right now about Covid (from doctors) that would comfort people (and there is a lot) is being systematically removed and websites taken down. Google, Facebook, Twitter have the power to do so with their tech company networking. . So “who needs Russia to interfere with the election?” Tucker said this is an new kind of authoritarian take over … controlling information to get the end result they desire. Tucker showed one of the videos.

We prayed that the Lord would bind Google, Facebook, and Twitter from this kind of abuse of power and from rigging their search results so that conservative things they don’t like don’t get found. Big tech is the only way we can communicate, so it is very serious when websites are shut down and youtubes removed. Keep praying for truth to break through and all the schemes of the devil to fail!

We prayed “Bind all the lies and release the truth! The truth sets free, but how can people be set free if they don’t hear the truth?!”  Bound this lie: Trump said fallen military men were suckers and loosers!

Protection for the good reporters (Tucker, Hannity … another action of some kind coming against him, Trey Gowdy, Kaylee M, Sandra  S,

Prayed for repentance of the church for two things: On both sides of comp/egal divide: For comps: authoritarian leaders interference in the Lordship of Christ over each believer.   For egals: for wrongly fighting for social justice and accepting sexually sinning believers into the fellowship of the church and leadership positions.

Prayed for covid 19 to go away or at least all fear of it for people who are truly walking with God.

Maybe others will post what they remember or other prayers we need to continue to pray during the week. I encouraged everyone to start using this forum to communicate as we watch and pray during the week.


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