Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


A few notes during prayer time today 9/12/2020.

Offered thanks: for Trump getting some recognition after all the horrible bad press about him for years now (Nobel prize nominee).

Thanks for some answered prayers this week.

51 Day Siege in the works by BLM starting 9/17 (attacking all around the White House til election). Prayed about this for it to be bound and not work; we bound the wicked forces behind scenes. Bind the seige!) (Kay will try to find out more about this and post it.) We will continue to pray “Bind the siege” this week.

We prayed for voting to be protected, for police to be funded and demonically driven movements and organizations to be de-funded. We prayed that our constitutional right to worship and our freedom to follow the Lord would be protected and preserved.

CBS interview of Atty. Gen. Barr where the truth Barr spoke was clear and kept getting clearer and  stronger now matter how hard the good interviewer tried to derail him.  (Kay will post link if she can find it.) Prayed for the CBS reporter that she would learn what is true and choose to believe it.

New book, Blitz by Horowitz counters Bob Woodwards book ??  (Karen) Prayed for truth to win out.

Blackout by Candace Owens (Comes out 9/15); praying for her and that the truth she is speaking will be heard by all who need it.

Al Sharpton who has been an activist on behalf of black people for years came out and said the far out leftist liberals  sipping their lattes were the ones who were behind de-fund the police. Sharpton said we need the police. He said that black people do not need police to be de-funded; they need the police. We thanked the Lord for Sharpton speaking truth into the darkness.

More, but this is all I wrote down …

Oh yes, one more, we prayed for those in the LC’s in the Texas region to know what is true and be set free. Prayed at some length about this.


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