Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Another prayer answered testimony. God has really milked our recent computer problem for all its usefulness to Him in teaching us to pray.

A few days after the “Wordfence” answer to prayer I shared about a few posts ago, I got a high security alert on the LemonsToGrapes site. I was presented with a list of 15,059 core files that had been affected by a serious security breach!! After I finally starting to breathe again, I realized this alert was probably related to the website having been through a crash and restore.

Thus began another trip through computer-support-by-email only-h***. Wordfence support figured out what was likely causing the major alert. The fix would be simple, but I had to ask my hosting site support to take care of it. Once again, I got a tech person who had low reading comprehension and poor English communication skills. He did not do the simple thing I asked, but rather did something else. Thus began another long, drawn out, back-and-forth of emails trying to clear up the further problem he caused. This went on for several days until I literally screamed after I read a support response.

John had asked me earlier if I had prayed, and I had answered, “Yes, I’m just not getting an answer!”

Throughout all of the computer nightmare of the past three weeks, John has suffered maybe more than me, watching what I was going through and experiencing second-hand the high level of stress I was under. Now, he couldn’t believe I was (we were) once again back in the mode of dealing with incompetent computer support people. I won’t make this lead-in story any longer; now I come to what I want to share about answered prayer.

I told John I was going to stop communicating with “escalated” support (which is supposed to be the best), and go back to low-level support. They can’t always help, but they interact by phone not by email! When John heard this, unbeknownst to me, he went outside and spent 20 minutes praying for me and the whole situation. He made his case with God using the verses about a father not giving his son a stone when he asked for bread and not giving his son a serpent when he asked for fish. When he came back in the house, he heard my calm, relaxed voice on the phone. Ten or fifteen minutes later, everything was fixed–Not only the immediate problem, but all the wrap-up things that prior support had failed to do properly, things that would have required more back-and-forth emails.

It may not make sense to those reading this, but for one thing, the website was finally back to its original, normal size (17 Gig). It was at 79 Gig when I started the low-level support call. It had been as high as 122 Gig during the long support effort. This was due to backup, temporary, and misplaced  folders scattered here and there–things that were never properly removed by support people, things that affect the health of the website, including its speed.

John was very, very happy to hear the report. When I heard about his prayer, I almost started crying.

So it seems, God is really busy giving “heavenly support” by His Spirit (not emails!) to his two little earthly prayer warriors, John and Jane. He is teaching both of us how to come to the throne of grace for specific help in time of need! God knew there was more clean up work to be done on the website, and He got it done! He knows there is more work to do cleaning up and training his little prayer warrior couple, and He is getting that done, too.

Though we too often lose sight of this wonderful fact, God is good! He alone is worthy to be praised!

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