Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


We need to pray for Andrew Torba. He’s got a lot of things right, but he has got one thing seriously wrong. You can see the great deceiver at work in the following email that Andrew sent out to fellow gabbers. It has false teaching mixed with good–the devil’s specialty.

Lord Jesus, we ask you to deliver Andrew from the evil one and from all false teaching. Save him from leading others astray. Open his eyes to the truth concerning male and female following Jesus as King together in mutual submission to one another. Show him that is God’s way for us to overcome the enemy!  Lord Jesus, save us from dominion by dominant Christian males using their “masculine energy to conquer and lead.”

You only need to look at the condition of the church today to see where practicing that kind of teaching and belief in civil government would lead us.

Lord, end the confusion caused by false, leavened teachings. Stop the enemy from using people like Andrew who love you and want to serve you! He has bought a lie as to how to overcome the enemy. Deliver him from this evil!

Jesus is King! Father, send the Holy Spirit again in power to revive your people and bring about true reconciliation of male and female in Christ, so we can walk together in truth and overcome the enemy by faith in You!

Andrew Torba’s email

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