Reply To: A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas


Please continue to pray for Andrew Torba (see post #8410).

He loves the Lord, but His message is skewed (see link below). It will end up leading him and others astray. It sounds good at first blush and is attractive because people, especially Christians, are so desperate for hope. He is preaching that Christ is King (the truth) but is adding to that … a Christian Nationalism movement. (This movement has been around awhile in various forms.) Jesus didn’t preach Christian Nationalism. He preached the gospel of the Kingdom. His kingdom is something born of the Spirit and led by King Jesus. It is not something led by men in a movement shaped according to their natural understanding of dominion. Men’s movements typically end up in people following the movement and its leader(s) instead of Christ Himself. They hinder Christians from learning to follow the King for themselves. Hearing his message breaks my heart for him. I really love this young man and believe he is genuinely seeking to follow the Lord in these dark days, but this message has all the earmarks of something some of us know only too well, something that will lead people astray from Christ. Men’s movements produce Ishmaels. Only the Spirit can produce an Isaac (a real move of God). Isaacs only come when women are free to follow the King the same as men, and when they follow Him together in mutual submission to Him and to one another. (I know I sound like a broken record…).


The sad truth is that what Andrew T. is aiming for on this earth (righteousness, peace, etc.) is something that will come out of believers following Christ in holiness and having dominion over the devil by prayer and obedience. His message is so close, yet so far. Makes me hate the devil even more (something I and other women come by naturally since God pronounced in Genesis that we would hate the serpent.)


Lord, save Andrew from all deception. Save him from false teachings. Get his attention and help him see the truth about “them” having dominion by the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not let the enemy derail his walk with You or the good purpose to which You have called him.

Again, a good side to what is happening with Andrew and Gab is that Gab is becoming a bigger and bigger platform for truth to be spoken, and Gab doesn’t censor people. Lord show us how to use Gab to publish the truth of your word for your glory.


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