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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 08/23/2020 at 3:59 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
August 23, 2020 at 3:59 pm #6937
This YouTube presentation contains an actual recording of Benson Phillips (aka Dan Williams in The Thread of Gold) lying about Jane at the 2005 Winter Training (This YouTube was made available by Steve Nelson in 2019–14 years after The Thread of Gold was published. In 2021 access to the video was taken down.)
NOTE (6/28/21): We got a new video from Steve Nelson. The part about Jane being a destroyer of God’s building comes right after Benson says he is God (Be sure and read Jane’s comment below about the video. This is what she posted on Youtube after she saw it):
Jane’s comment: Well, you can imagine my surprise to hear this audio after all these years. I was given a transcript of Benson’s speaking not long after the 2005 training, but actually hearing his voice and condemnation after this many years was a bit other worldly. One observation: Benson’s claim that Witness Lee publicly called out the “three holy sisters” in Anaheim was a falsehood (among the numerous others in his speaking).
Sandee Rapoport told me in 2006, that Witness Lee did not ever use this term to refer to them. She said it was Phillip Lee who always called them the “three holy sisters” in a mocking way. It seems highly unlikely that Benson was present to hear what Lee said in that 1977 Memorial Day weekend meeting, because he was in Houston condemning me on Saturday night of that very same weekend.
Sandy told me that all Witness Lee did in that meeting was publicly embarrass the three sisters by telling them they should stop sitting together in the meetings. He did not ask them to stand up. The fact that Benson told his own version of the story using the term “holy sisters” is pretty strong evidence that the story was passed on from Phillip Lee (probably via Ray Graver, Benson’s shadow, who was around Phillip a lot according to Sandee). Phillip would have told the account using his pejorative title for these sisters.
Another observation: When my husband read the transcript in 2005, he said something like: “Wow. When I wrote to Benson in 1990 about what he had done to you by labeling you as a rebel in 1977 (13 yrs before), he wrote back that he had no memory of ever having done such a thing. But now in 2005, twenty-eight years after the fact, his memory of what he did to you is crystal clear! So, either he flat-out lied in 1990 or there has been a miracle and his memory has been restored!” —Jane Carole Anderson
NOTE ABOUT THE TAKE DOWN: Apparently LSM succeeded in getting YouTube to suspend Steve Nelson’s Youtube account so that his presentation could not be accessed because the link was broken. Local Church censorship at work. They lie publicly about people and damage them, and then they copyright their lies so they are the only ones who can use them and so they can prevent others from exposing them. The LSM is no different than the MSM.
For more details about the truth and the lies see: The Thread of Gold Chronicles: Benson Phillips and the Three Holy Sisters.
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