Prayers for Good Police (majority of them), Bad Police, Civil Unrest, Riots

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  • #6278

    Lord, stop your enemy from using the recent shooting of the black man in Atlanta (by police) to fuel the flames of lawlessness. Let justice be done. Bring to light the truth of what happened so that it is irrefutable, and let every action that is taken by officials be taken based on what is true not on emotions or lies or misrepresentations. Bless such official actions and stop the evil that is happening to our country. Stop the killing and the loss of property. Stop the mouths of those who are giving voice to the lies of the devil and are fueling the unrest.

    Surface the names of any persons or organizations behind these evil occurrences.

    Bind all attacks from your enemy on law enforcement officials (and their families) who are doing their jobs with integrity and get rid of all the abusive, corrupt police. Cause them to be caught and removed or cause them to resign.

    Bind lies that are spread through any and all kinds of social media, especially the news media.

    You, Lord Jesus, are the King of kings and Lord of Lords. The kingdoms of this world are yours. Loose the reality of your kingdom on this earth and bring an end to the reign of the devil. Let your light shine so that everyone can see what is true and what is not. Let people see that You are the answer to every difficulty! Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven! However it is in heaven concerning the Atlanta event, make it that way on earth!

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    Be with the lawmakers who are seeking to do what is right in order to make the police and community interactions better. Give them wisdom. Don’t let any reforms be done that will produce undesirable and more harmful results in the long run.

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