Reply To: Book III (3) December 18, 1987 —> March 10, 1988


As I looked over these photocopies I noted some interesting ones regarding Germany and Europe:

DSC02543  In a conversation with John Ingalls on 1-7-88 in which J. I.  says John So tells about Germany, that the saints there know “Mt 16 is the foundation of the church, that it was not given by W. L. or W. N., but the Father.  No new way for Ecclesiastes states there is nothing new under the sun. He said he is happy they are far away, that Germans are not gullible.”

DSC02589-2590  “Don Rutledge urged me to call John So.”  3-2-88

“P. L. was on John So’s case for 2 years.  5 bros went to Germany to bring printing under Str control and to get them to submit to P. L.  But John So couldn’t for conscience sake tho he gave them the liberty.  5 bros got daily instruct from P. L.   Then Germany was cut off from Liv Str.  Germany sent 4,000 sheets camera ready to L. Str but not printed…   John So and Germany in old way.  Str set up office in Eng and tried to cut off Germany, cause prob among Eng churches.  Also now bros in Switz have permission to print anything but exclu Germany.”



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