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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
August 14, 2021 at 8:44 am #7578
After watching the three day Symposium held by Mike Lindell, I have been praying and asking the Lord what I can do practically to participate in the battle we are all in against the devil. This morning I think that the Lord showed me a way that I should use this forum (the forum that He led me to add to my website which exists because He held my hand as I fought through the process of getting it done crying out to Him that I had no idea what I was doing!). I had some thought about how the forum could be used to inspire more people to be praying specific prayers at a grass roots level for our families, churches, and at this critical time for our country. I have already started doing some work to this end. Please pray with me that I will do exactly what it is the Lord wants me to do.
I will post some more about the wonderful, blessed, and inspirational Symposium soon. For now let me say that I saw an ekklesia in what was happening (using the Greek meaning of the word that we translate “church”). The Greeks called an ekklesia (a gathering of Greek citizens) when there was a problem that needed resolution. Mike called it a symposium, but I saw a large group of Christians gathered who were addressing the terrible evil that is seeking to swallow our nation and steal our freedom. They spoke about their faith in Christ, prayed, recognized the devil at work in our country, and sought to work together to inspire others to do their part also in saving it. John and I were only going to watch a little of it, but we found ourselves glued to the tv or the full three days!
I cannot forget the essence of what one of the participants said. It was to this effect: “The government isn’t going to save you. Trump isn’t going to save you. No one you look up to and admire is going to save you. You have to stop waiting on someone else. You are going to be part of the saving by trusting in God and doing what he shows you to be your part.” (Again, that is the gist of what I heard.)
It is my understanding that Lindell’s website (Frankspeech.org) will soon have videos of the symposium so more people can see what was shared there. I will put links to the material on this thread as soon as it is available. I think it is important to look at at least some of the Symposium, so we can be helped to pray specific, informed prayers–such as praying for every state to carry out a full forensic audit of their elections until it is done! (Not just Dominion machines because the fraud took place through software that was on all the machines in use.) Here is my favorite verse for this week:
[Psa 92:7 KJV] When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; [it is] that they shall be destroyed for ever.
August 15, 2021 at 7:47 am #7598Just saw this today posted on Gab:
Lord, bless this woman as she does what you are leading her to do.
(A little about Wendy: She is an Arizona state senator who is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel (76-96) . She is also a Christian. At the Symposium at one point when she was speaking, she said something to the effect “I was watching The Chosen, when I got a call from ….”)
August 15, 2021 at 2:12 pm #7600August 15, 2021 at 3:39 pm #7605Jane and I saw Wendy on FrankSpeech, and she was great. This video interview gave me some new insight.
She was in on the ground floor of the full forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, and is helping other legislators in other states work through getting audits in their states. The interviewer asked her why she was going to other states because she is only an Arizona senator. She replied that she took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. She also said that the election belongs to us, the citizens, and that she was helping others as a citizen.
This election was stolen from us, the people of the U.S. Bad actors stole votes in every county of every state by using computers (machines related to the elections). We were told that they were not connected to the Internet when in fact they were. Lindell has the complete data readout of the entire election. Computer code was employed in every state to effect a predetermined win for Biden and others. You can actually see the entrance of foreign countries into the system and tell how many votes were switched from Trump to Biden!
This gargantuan crime affected all of us. Therefore, we need audits in every state to inspect the damage that was done and provide the specific, irrefutable proof that can be used to rectify the current situation and to set up a way for the future. We, as citizens, have the right and should require that elections are done properly. The legislators are our representatives. They work for us. An audit is a normal course of business, and we should not accept things like simple recounts that do not get at the massive fraud that was done via the machines!
All that has come out on FrankSpeech.com has shined a light on the devil’s work. It’s time to pray and write our representatives and request a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. It’s either that or accept the fact that our votes don’t really matter! Watch and pray … and write!
August 15, 2021 at 6:39 pm #7613August 15, 2021 at 7:17 pm #7614Good insight, John. I saw Wendy also on the cyber symposium on FrankSpeech.com. She is a real blessing to our nation as we attempt to expose the works of darkness in the election machines and overall the election process so that there is integrity. This cyber symposium is still available to be seen at Frankspeech.com.
August 16, 2021 at 10:18 am #7617Someone posted the link below on my Nextdoor feed. It was censored/deleted. Someone else posted it again. It was censored/deleted. I made a tinyurl link for it (not easy to tell what it is) and posted it again with a note to open the tinyurl link and then copy the real link and save it for their own use. My post will eventually get found and deleted, but meanwhile maybe some might get help. Stick with it. It gets better (at least for me it did). Right now he is talking about our being created in God’s image and that this is a war we are in… He is a well-known, reknowned doctor.
I am still listening to this. It is very informative and we should be as educated as much as we can about this CV subject for making more specific prayers to God concerning it.
Lord, spread the truth and expose the lies. Save people from the darkness brought by lies and set them free by the truth. Lead people to information like this that can wake them up, set them free, and lead them to know You.
August 16, 2021 at 3:44 pm #7618Pray for Mike Lindell’s special update broadcast starting tonight at 6 p.m. on Frankspeech.com. Pray that they will be able to explain well what is happening with respect to bad actors trying to shut down factual, verifiable truth about the 2020 election and harm people financially, psychologically, and physically (Lindell) included, not to mention our country! Pray for Tina P. (Colorado election official whistleblower) who is now being hidden somewhere in Tx and being protected by security people hired by Lindell. A lot of things going on. Pray without ceasing with supplications for all God’s holy people! (It may also be on OAN).
August 18, 2021 at 5:33 pm #7619So blessed by this! Prayers are being answered. God moves in mysterious ways … ways that are His not ours! John just came running in to tell me about this and make me watch it. (That’s unusual!) God is raising up a spiritual army and He is on the move! (You may have to enter your email address and phone no. on the first page that comes up before you will be sent to the page where the video is.)
Dr. Frank’s “SpirOps” The Spiritual Battle That Was WON at the Cyber Symposium!
August 18, 2021 at 10:01 pm #7621This is a summary of the events that happened at the three day Symposium given from a God perspective. Dr. Frank spoke this at a church meeting in Ohio. It’s where the Resistance Chicks (on the previous video) interviewed him afterwards, I think.
A summary of what happened at the Symposium
I am so encouraged to keep up the good fight by prayer.
August 19, 2021 at 11:33 am #7622Please watch this if you have time before we meet to pray this Saturday. It’s about 30 minutes long.
I have never heard anything like this before. I knew it was bad for Muslim women, but this is over the top horrible. It is the full unveiling of Satan’s hatred for women! God put enmity (intense hatred) between the serpent and the woman. This woman is incredibly brave. We need to pray for her and bind this great evil, satanic stronghold and ideology.
August 22, 2021 at 12:02 pm #7630Please try to spend some time on Mike Lindell’s website (Frankspeech.com) and educate yourself with verifiable facts about what happened in the 2020 presidential election. The purpose is to inspire you to fight by prayer for those who have evidence that proves the election was stolen and that every state was involved in a massive cyber attack from mainly China. Pray (every day) for the success of all who are working on getting this information out to the American people in every state and ultimately to the Supreme Court. This is a very critical time for our country and those involved are facing real danger from those who do not want to be exposed and caught. Mike L. has been threatened for many months, and right after an undercover plot intended to bring his work down publicly during the Symposium was discovered and, therefore, failed, Mike was physically attacked.
Important: You will be asked for your email and phone number to log into the frankspeech.com site before you can look at all the data. I personally believe that the request for your information is related to the security of their website because of the millions of attacks on it by bad actors. (I gave my information and have not been receiving emails or texts from frankspeech.com. It was a small price to pay to be informed and involved in this battle.)
Here is a good starting place: Dr. Frank’s presentation of irrefutable mathmatical evidence
Then take a look at this. The first part is Mike explaining that something bad has happened while they are waiting for the parties that have been intimidated to reset themselves and come out any way: whistleblowers from Colorado
August 24, 2021 at 3:42 pm #7632Lord, you are the best communicator! Get the word out across America to the all the American people about what is true concerning the election and cvd and what is happening in Australia. Bring down the News companies that are corrupt and refuse to report the truth, those who are lying by omission! Expose the news businesses who are covering up the truth and will not report on the irrefutable evidence about the election and about the real scientific evidence about cvd. Bless those who are reporting what is true. Bless all the doctors who are providing therapeutics that are working!
Save the people of Australia who are being oppressed by the government to a whole new level. Set them free from the power grab of the government and the fear production of the media, using cvd. Let people be free to leave their houses without an official pass. Lord, stop this insanity! Lord save the people who are being sent home from work because they don’t have vaccine papers.
Help those in France who are not being allowed in supermarkets without vaccine passes! Stop your enemy!
Unbelievably similar things are starting to pop up in the U.S. Lord, help us! Deliver us from evil.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we bind vaccine mandates around this earth. We bind the evil works of the devil designed to destroy humanity and loose the works of the Holy Spirit to save millions of people!
Turn the tide!
Help all those working to bring the truth to light.
Lord keep us praying!
Lord, you are our Help!
August 24, 2021 at 8:10 pm #7634August 27, 2021 at 8:48 am #7636Good morning! I am going to post a ResistanceChicks.com podcast at the end of this.
I love these girls (they are sisters, I think) as an inspirational source of education on current national and world events from a Christian perspective (for prayer purposes). I also love how they give spiritual encouragement at the same time. (These two women are the ones that interviewed Dr. Frank [see post 7619].) They have been broadcasting news from a Christian perspective for a few years now. They are definitely women of chayil!
They have a network of people through which they find and collect relevant reports, videos, and news clips, and they share them, and explain things. They also stop and pray sometimes. I have subscribed to their podcasts. The one I am going to post here is long but well worth watching. If you can, do so before we pray tomorrow. You can watch a little at at time. That is what I am doing. So far I can see that this one educates us about cv matters being used to take away freedom and how people are standing up to resist in Australia, France, the UK, and also about what is going on in Afghanistan. https://tinyurl.com/yatrumpd
Lord bless and protect these two spiritual warriors!
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