A Weekly Zoom Prayer Meeting in Texas

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    Some very good news! Yes, in God we trust!!

    In God we trust proclaimed in schools



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    Julie Roys website which shows God is answering our prayers for cleansing His temple:







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    Yes, and this interview really ministered to me at Julie Roys’ website:

    Naghmeh Panahi: Abuse & The Idol of Marriage


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    Thanks for sharing this (previous post), pathwalker. Her story was very enlightening (and upsetting). It confirms even more the need for us to continue praying that God will sound out the biblical truth about mutual submission in male and female relationships in the church, and that this resounding truth will produce repentance in its hearers (male and female!). This must happen if the church is to regain her power in prayer!

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    If you get a chance read the following. We need to stand against these evil changes that the Department of Education intends to make!




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    Let’s keep Tina P. in our prayers and keep praying for election integrity through divine intervention!

    Movie about Tina Peters and government abuse


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    This is heartbreaking. It isn’t very long, so please watch when you can. We need to pray strongly for this family and all the others being destroyed by the unrighteous actions of our government.


    Set Ryan free now, Lord, we beg you!

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    Lord, raise up more women like this woman!! Let’s pray for her. She gave this speech 2 years ago. She is the new prime minister of Italy(the first female) as of a day or so ago! Watch the crowd reacting to her. Very encouraging!



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    Worth listening to for inspiration to pray, pray, pray that God will have mercy on America and turn things around before we go completely over the cliff.



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    Here is an intro video to wallbuilders.com (as we talked about today). Lord rebuild the wall against your enemy!! Click on the welcome to wallbuilders video after you open this link:



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    Please watch all of this. Worth every minute I spent doing so. Please pray many, many, many people will see this. It is amazing to see where God has led Peter McCullough: from recommending the vaccines to where he is now with eyes wide open–

    McCullough on InfoWars holding back nothing he has come to understand about the big picture


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    Posted by Michelle (one of the Resistance Chicks) after election day:

    I’ve been saying it since February: most seats are demonically held in the spirit realm by rulers and principalities. If a seat is held by darkness, it doesn’t matter who wins, they will be corrupted or unable to HOLD that seat. It’s our job as the body of Christ to pull down the strong holds, kick them out and claim those seats for the kingdom of God. THEN, once we do, it doesn’t matter who wins the seat, they must either fall into the obedience of the will of God, or they will be unable to hold the seat by the power of God! Our government is a DIRECT representation of what the church has allowed. We are OVER EQUIPPED to take this whole thing captive to the obedience of Christ, we just need to KNOW it and DO it. Guys, all we have to do is say to this mountain, be removed and cast in the sea! Did you know in the Bible mountains almost always represent government? Jesus told a fig tree to dry up and it did! We have power and authority on our WORDS, which is why they try to censor and gag us!

    Over the next week, do not look to what your eyes see, for if you look into the spirit realm in this moment, you will see there are more with us than with them.

    I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I will say there is more going on than meets the eye… One of the R0thschilds died at age 91, on the same day as a bloodmoon and the same day as all of this… God’s timing is very interesting. It’s His way of showing where our attention really should be… Because maybe, just maybe, this is about more than just seats and offices… And where it really matters, it really is a red wave, just one of the blood of Jesus!

    Also on the Resistance Chicks website: 

    Everyone is looking for answers and direction after what happened Tuesday- Resistance Chicks do what we do best here: seek God, get those answers and bring hope and truth to the confusion.
    What the mid terms of 2022 showed us was that the only way we get our country back is by joining Revival with the political realm. Some might call this Christian Nationalism- I call it Christian Liberty. America wasn’t built overnight. It wasn’t conceived in the early hours of the Revolution. No, American is a result of the outgrowth of the Gospel being truly preached and the Word of God getting into the hands of the people. Men and women like William Tyndale, who was killed for translating the Word of God into the language of the people and preaching on liberty. Jon Hus who read the words of Tyndale and took them to Bohemia aka The Czech Republic causing a stir of freedom and was burned at the stake… Martin Luther, John Locke, John Milton, Algernon Sidney, William Penn… their writings on Nature and Nature’s God and no man is born with a right to rule over another, those writings were Revolutionary and cost many of those proponents of a more Republican form of government to be killed or sent into prison or exile. Revival of these ideals, the ones on God given rights based on the Word of God and nations being blessed when the people seek God and are righteous… revival in our the hearts and minds as we get down on our knees will turn this ship around. I have no king but Jesus. This year we need to bring Holy Ghost, Spirit filled revival to the patriot movement and arm another with the essential Biblical tools to get this nation back on track. This is our commission. Thy will be done on earth as it’s done in Heaven.

    Website:  resistancechicks.com

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    A day late, but well worth the listen!! Something I have never heard before about the origin of Thanksgiving that has been learned from the discovery of new documents from the Pilgrim era. Very inspirational for every day!

    Kirk Cameron on Thanksgiving



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    For some time now I have been watching and listening to Jordan Peterson as he speaks with transparency and vulnerability in his quest for truth. (He has gone through the book of Genesis in his quest and has recently started teaching from Exodus.) I have been praying for him that he will come to know Jesus Christ personally and experience His full salvation. Many young people (mostly males) follow Peterson closely (in the hundreds of thousands I think). Below is a link to a video of him where he declares “I am not an atheist anymore.”

    Be warned that about 2/3rds of the way through this two long youTube commercials take over (about 18  minutes worth). I muted the video and let the ads play out so I could get to the end of Peterson’s message. IT WAS WILL WORTH THE TROUBLE AND THE WAIT! The end was amazing. It left me teary-eyed, praising and thanking the Lord. Please join me in praying that the Lord lead Jordan Peterson into all truth by His Spirit and that many young men follow his example. Jordan Peterson: I am not an atheist anymore.

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    Sorry. I tested the link after posting it and it worked. I just tested it again after making the post and it didn’t go to the right place! I will do my best to find the video somewhere else and post a new link later today!

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