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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
November 22, 2020 at 8:35 am #7129
More from Sydney Powell last night in a phone call into the Newsmax show “The Count.” She said what they will be presenting will be “biblical”..
Here is the link to the call with her:
November 23, 2020 at 5:40 am #7130A report from OAN that is eye opening. Karen found this and sent it to me via email:
Lord, let truth prevail.
November 24, 2020 at 7:59 am #7131Praying Psalm 79 today for the Church and the Country. We are experiencing terrorism, and it has to stop. George Soros needs to be stopped like Bin Laden. Heat the furnace 7 times hotter, and consume those that threw your people into it, and bless us with freedom to be who you created us to be on this earth. Amen, Lord!
November 24, 2020 at 8:39 am #7132Amen to Kay’s prayer. Here are some encouraging verses the Lord gave me this morning. Be sure to take note of verse 11!
Psa. 68:1-14
God’s Enemies Are Scattered
For the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. A song.1 God arises. His enemies are scattered, and those who hate Him flee His presence.
2 As smoke is blown away, You will drive them out; as wax melts before the fire,
the wicked will perish in the presence of God.3 But the righteous will be glad and rejoice before God; they will celebrate with joy.
4 Sing to God! Sing praises to His name. Exalt Him who rides on the clouds His name is the LORD—and rejoice before Him.
5 A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows,
is God in His holy habitation.6 God settles the lonely in families; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity,
but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.7 O God, when You went out before Your people, when You marched through the wasteland, Selah
8 the earth shook and the heavens poured down rain before God, the One on Sinai,
before God, the God of Israel.9 You sent abundant rain, O God; You refreshed Your weary inheritance.
10 Your flock settled therein; O God, from Your bounty You provided for the poor.
11 The Lord gives the command; a great company of women proclaim it:
12 “Kings and their armies flee in haste; she who waits at home divides the plunder.
13 Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, the wings of the dove are covered with silver, and her feathers with shimmering gold.”
14 When the Almighty scattered the kings in the land,it was like the snow falling on Zalmon.
November 24, 2020 at 10:52 am #7133November 25, 2020 at 6:10 pm #7134John and I watched all of this hearing today. It was great and very encouraging.
What this hearing is: First of all a Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court judge wouldn’t even hear the Trump legal team’s case (unheard of). The judged dismissed it out of hand. The legal team is appealing it to the next higher court (maybe a federal district court ??).
After the dismissal, unexpectedly (yesterday) the Trump legal team contacted the Pa legislature and asked for a hearing. The Pa legislature is controlled by Republicans. They said yes and set up the hearing for today. John and just happened on it after lunch on OAN.
For those of us who have been praying, it felt like an answer to prayer and the cherry on top is in the last five or so minutes … wait for it. I am still smiling. I think it was a big event in the spiritual realm, though the rest of the media outlets are barely covering it.
If you have the time watch all of it! Youtube may try to take it down. We need to keep praying. In due time we will reap if we faint not!
November 25, 2020 at 10:13 pm #7137😊 I bravely (haha) posted this today on OAN’s parler.com thread about the Pennsylvania hearing: Thank you OAN! God bless you. I believe this is just the beginning of a truth wave that will end with Goliath headless on the ground. Sydney Powell said, “It will be biblical.” Little David went up against the giant with a few small stones and a sling, and no armour. He only needed one stone to bring the giant to the ground. Then he used the giant’s own sword to cut off his head! Lord, make it so.
November 26, 2020 at 6:06 am #7138The wicked plots against the just,
And gnashes at him with his teeth.
13 The Lord laughs at him,
For He sees that his day is coming.
14 The wicked have drawn the sword
And have bent their bow,
To cast down the poor and needy,
To slay those who are of upright conduct.
15 Their sword shall enter their own heart,
And their bows shall be broken. (Psalm 37:12-15)Lord, thank You for this promise to the upright in heart, to those who wait patiently for You and who are trusting in You … make it so in these coming few weeks in the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on voter fraud. Bring all your promises in Psalm 37 to pass! Thank You!
November 27, 2020 at 2:43 pm #7139Pray:
1. For the Supreme court justices to judge righteously (list of judges in post #7126)
2. For Sydney Powell, Lin Woods, Trump Team and all others bringing legal cases to received more and more irrefutable evidence for their cases.
3. For God to get the truth out in spite of mainstream media refusing to do so. Go around them Lord and lead people to good news sources!
4. For the Senate run-off race in George that the two Republican senators will prevail and that the voting system employed will be safe, secure, and accurate!
5. That all the cases that need to make it to the Supreme Court will do so. Open the doors for truth Lord! Shut the doors that the liars use.
6. To bind the principalities and powers behind the scenes … we are not wrestling with flesh and blood.
7. Pray for each contested state: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona. Pray for full light and truth.
8. Bind the planning of the evil one for rioting etc.
9. Pray for Christians to see the truth of the gospel of the kingdom that John the Baptist, Jesus, and the apostles all preached! Thy kingdom come in this present battle! Divide between lies and truth, dark and light. May truth triumph!
10. Preserve the republic and the freedoms we have under it!
11. Preserve our freedom! Clear out the corruption, especially from our elections!
12. Bind baby murdering, marriage defining, speech suppression and censoring.
13. For Shira (for those of you who know that situation)
14. For the state legislatures in all the battleground states to fulfill their legal responsibilities. In particular for the Pa. hearing folks that they stand strong and not fold to threats.
15. Strengthen people to trust you to take care of them as they step forward to tell the truth of what they know.
16. Bind the threats and fear-mongering of the left!
17. Catch all who were behind election fraud and lock them up.Feel free to add more things on your heart. I think this just scratches the surface.
November 27, 2020 at 2:48 pm #7140Here is a parler.com person who might be worth following. I just started following her. She used to work for CNN. Now she is exposing all the false reporting using clips of it and then other clips to show how they were falsified. Might be good for showing people who believe there is no such thing going on:
This page of hers has hard to find reports about the current election situation:
November 28, 2020 at 4:01 pm #7141For those who wanted to know:
The name of the excellent documentary on the forming of the government:
A More Perfect Union: America Becomes a NationHere is a link to it on Amazon Prime:
A More Perfect Union documentary
Another one is The First American (story of George Washington)
November 28, 2020 at 4:19 pm #7142Prayer today was very encouraging and we believe we were heard!
Where two or three agree together as touching anything it shall be done for them!
We prayed for most, if not all, of the list in post #7139. We prayed for other things not on the list. Here are a few highlights:
Defund Planned Parenthood; Fund the police!
Let the earth open her mouth and swallow the flood of money going into Georgia for the Senate run-off.
Let the use of the swallowed money, all the money spent for evil, be turned around and used for good for those in need and for the debt of our country.
No to Biden! Yes to Trump!
No to darkness! Yes to light!
No to evil! Yes to good!
No to lies! Yes to truth!
Bind the spirits of fear sent to make people who have evidence afraid to come forward. Give them a spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.
Bring down the men who are funding the evil; named them.
Put a wall of protection around all those on the front lines and their families.
Remember all the prayers of the founders of this country that You answered and add ours to them (many generations later!). Forgive us for our selfish use of the freedom you gave us. Send your Spirit across this whole nation and earth to do the work of convicting and changing men from the inside out.
Etc.! Etc.! Etc.!!! Lots of good prayers sent heavenward. Prayed for 2 sheep also by name, as asked to do: Chester and Shira.
We will continue to watch and pray! God has chosen the foolish things of the earth to bring to nothing them that are “wise.”
November 29, 2020 at 9:40 am #7144A MUST HEAR!
Please, please take the time to listen to this. Please share it.
I just found this broadcast this morning. It took place yesterday (11/28/2020). It is the first time Gen. Flynn has been interviewed since his pardon. He was interviewed on WVWtv. Very informative and compelling. His interview is followed by an interview with (three star general) Lt. General McInerney and Mary Fanning (you’ll find out about who she is when you listen). McInerny’s interview is packed with facts we have not heard before. We need to pray, pray, pray for these people and all those they are with working hard to get the truth brought before the American people. They show how what is happening is treason. I’m an going to listen to it again because it is so packed with information.
The timeline given at the end is really important. These folks have been speaking since 2015, but they have been in a war to get the truth out. Mary Fanning’s part is profound. She and Allen Jones began researching and reporting and warned exactly of what is happening right now. They reported on their website (americanreport.org) and in a book.
I am having trouble copying this link. The simplest thing will be just to type into your browser: “www.worldviewweekendtv” followed by “.com” I think it is the first story on the page this morning.
(Story title is: WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn’s First Interview Since President Trump’s Pardon)
The most amazing part is the interview with General McInerny that starts about 30 minutes in. If you don’t have much time, start there and then come back later and listen to the beginning with Flynn.
Thank you Lord for your light that is shining on all the darkness.
November 30, 2020 at 9:16 pm #7145John and I just watched on OANN the Arizona hearing with the Trump legal team and their witnesses. It was more astounding than the Pennsylvania hearing. It lasted all day.
In the closing statements by the Arizona legislators, several things stood out:
One of the senators (a woman) told about the prayer circle she has been in (and other prayer circles she is aware of in Arizona), praying for the election and this country. She said how prayer was a necessity as well as doing something to stand up and pay the price to do what must be done, etc. Her whole speech was excellent.
One senator said they have been trying to call a special session to address the election problems, but have been frustrated and fought at every point. They had just about given up until today. One read from the Declaration of Independence about there coming a time when we must throw off tyranny.
Then, in the closing statement, the lead senator said. “Right now I am calling a special session of congress in Arizona. He continued, “This is our nation, it doesn’t belong to Belgium; it doesn’t belong to Soros. Will history judge us as acting objectively today? …. I hope that out of this, besides calling for a special session, which I am doing right now. (The place went wild.) I hope that even more than a special session, we see a series of grand juries convened; there is so much criminal behavior that has gone on in this state and states around the country. I believe it is time for our Attorney General and the U. S. Attorney General to start perp walking some people. I am glad that you are fired up, but ladies and gentlemen this (referring to the hearing) is just a skirmish. You ain’t seen nothing yet, because when Satan wants to extinguish a light, he will stop at nothing; so be on your guard, put on the full armor of God and be prepared to fight!
We need to stay on the battlefield! Pray for the Arizona legislature. Pray for an open door for cases to reach to the Supreme Court in time! Pray for the Trump legal team hearing in Michigan tomorrow. Jesus is Lord!
December 1, 2020 at 10:27 am #7146We prayed together recently: Bring down the men who are funding the evil.
I heard this report last night on NewsMax TV about recent findings about Mark Zuckerburg’s 400 million dollar funding of the election fraud. FBI and others are investigating:
Amistad Lawyer: FBI Collecting Data on Vote Fraud | Newsmax.com
Things to pray for today:
1. The Trump legal team hearing in Michigan. I believe it will be on OANN TV today. We watch it on our TV because our cable provider carries OANN. There may be a way to see it on the internet if you do some searching and looking around. This might help: Where to Watch | One America News Network (oann.com)
2. Nevada case: Trump team has been awarded discovery rights (very important win) and will begin discovery Wednesday. The opposing side immediately hired 10 new attorneys and one big name lawyer known for winning this kind of cases (the last sentence is to the best of my memory from Kayleah McEnany sp?? speaking to Hannity).
3. Georgia mess! That the enemy’s shennanigans will be bound and God will cut through all the red tape and bring truth and irrefutable evidence to light and preserve it. That the Senate re-run race will be fair and all the Republicans will get out and vote!
4. That the Arizona legislators will stand strong and prevail to undo what the corrupt governor did yesterday (he certified Biden as the winner, while the hearing was in progress!).
5. For Him who shuts and no man opens and opens and no man shuts, to do His good work of door opening and closing regarding all of the corruption that has surfaced in answer to so many prayers. For courage and wisdom for all involved on the front lines (there are many!) That little David will prevail and that all who see Goliath go down will glorify God and acknowledge Him and know that He is certainly involved in the affairs of men and hears the prayers of His people.
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