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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
December 2, 2020 at 9:16 am #7147
7 He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house;
He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.
8 Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land,
That I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the LORD.
(Psalm 101:7-8)We pray this for the the Church today as well as our Nation. Cut off all evil doers in our Government, specifically In this election fraud. In the Church, leaders who fraudulently lead your people astray. Hear our prayer, O Lord!
December 2, 2020 at 10:36 pm #7148After watching the Michigan hearings yesterday and today, to me it is looking more and more like the Supreme Court with 9 people will make decisions that will determine the future of America. I was hopeful some of the swing state Republican legislatures might step in and, at the very least, not certify the votes of their states, getting Biden under 270 and sending the decision to Congress. Still could happen but there seem to be too many cowards in these legislatures. I am going to especially be praying for the Supreme Court Justices!
On another note: you might be interested in looking up and reading about James O’keefe of Project Veritas (did undercover work exposing Planned Parenthood). He has a massive amount of undercover (legal) phone recordings (several months worth of them) of the owner (Zucker) of CNN having daily meetings with the news staff telling them what the news is and how to shape it! I think they might be found at cnntapes.com (not positive). Too sleepy to look! Veritas is going to let the tapes out day after day. They have the potential to open the eyes of the CNN’s loyal followers, so lets’ pray for that. Remember that we have been praying for truth to prevail and the lying media to be stopped. The first one was released last night on Mark Levine’s podcast (not his Fox News show).
Lord, bring into the light all the hidden things of darkness in this election, in big tech, and in the media. Expose the people who are funding the corruption. Jesus said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Lord expose the evil that is being bought and paid for, and catch and lock up those who are paying for it. Answer us speedily, Lord! Come to our aid. Have mercy on us that we do not come under the rule of wicked men. Thank you that you are Lord! All authority in heaven and earth is yours! Help us learn to pray and, in your mighty name, bind the devil and his lies and loose loose the Spirit of truth!
December 4, 2020 at 11:18 am #7150Answer updates and thanks to Jesus for:
The smoking gun tapes that came out at the Georgia hearing yesterday!
All the hearings by the state legislatures in the swing states (Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia) and these wonderful statements made by the Chairs:
“Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free…. as the apostle Paul said, ‘Be not weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not” (Pa. Doug Mastriano (sp?))
“I am glad that you are fired up, but ladies and gentlemen this (referring to the hearing) is just a skirmish. You ain’t seen nothing yet, because when Satan wants to extinguish a light, he will stop at nothing; so be on your guard, put on the full armor of God and be prepared to fight!” (Az. hearing chairman)
“We need to find the truth” (numerous members of the Ga. hearing committee at the end of it.
Things to pray for:
1. The Jan 5th election in Georgia to preserve the Republican majority in the Senate.
2. Every lawsuit in progress on behalf of election integrity, for truth and justice to stand and the darkness to be stopped.
3. For more fearless whistleblowers to come forward and more smoking guns to be found.
4. For the whistleblowers who have already done so that they be protected and blessed (the truck driver whose trailer full of ballots was stolen; for the postal worker who told about being told to change postal dates; for all the witnesses at all the battle state hearings)
5. For all the legal teams working day and night literally, that they be supplied supernaturally with strength, stamina, mental clarity and wisdom. That they all be protected from evil plots against them.
6. For Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Sotamayor, Kegan, Kavannaugh, Gorsuch, Breyer, Barrett!!! Give them courage, wisdom, resolve, mental clarity, and godly judgments for every election related case they hear.
7. That every case that needs to make it to the Supreme Court will get there.
8. For Mo Roberts (?) Alabama senator who plans to challenge the certification of electoral college votes in the Congress, if necessary, and force it into a congressional vote (as best I understand what I heard).
9. For the devil to be bound and every wicked plot to be thwarted. This is truly a battle between darkness and light, good and evil, truth and lies. “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper; all they who rise up (in a court of law per a commentary) against thee shall fall!” So be it, Lord.
Feel free to add more items you are burdened about in another post!
John asked me to add (to the best of my ability to write it down after he told me 🙂 :
10. For the Georgia signature comparison ordered by the Georgia governor today (or late yesterday?) to be done in full light and to be accurate. (He has said it would be done under the purvey of the Secretary of State, who is crooked. Trump’s lawyer has been asking for this for days and been denied, but apparently the smoking gun tapes forced the governor’s hand to do something.)
11. For the Senator and citizen lawsuit in Pennsylvania (over the state law passed in 2019 that opened the door to the unsupervised mail-in balloting mess) that is going to be heard by the Supreme court–that they win and the law be ruled unconstitutional and that the ruling has far reaching effects like a shot over the bow to the other state legislatures who are being confronted with the problems caused by their mail-in ballot handling.)
December 4, 2020 at 4:05 pm #7151Unbelievable! I just came across this Senate hearing that was done yesterday on Crossfire hurricane investigation. John and I have just started watching it. This is exposing all the government scandals we have had that have never been fully investigated and carried forward to prosecution and punishment of criminals. Sen. Johnson says they all show the pattern of abuse of power by the executive power (one evidence is 2 leaks of Trumps calls to international powers in the first days of his presidency and many more after that) and by the media who has cooperated with the suppression.
Right now Johnson is opening and testifying to what he knows and has tried to fight but has not been able to succeed. This seems big. It is being opposed by democrats as it proceeds it seems. Will know more after watching it. Here is the link on cspan:
Senate Hearing on FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation | C-SPAN.org (c-span.org)
It looks like more prayers are being answered!
December 4, 2020 at 4:12 pm #7152December 4, 2020 at 7:57 pm #7153Looks like some really good news! A letter from the Pennsylvania legistors (76 of them) to the U.S. Congress asking them not to accept the electoral college votes that were certified by Georgia’s governor.
December 4, 2020 at 10:04 pm #7154A fact presenting podcast by Sheryl Atkisson:
A semi-comprehensive list of 2020 election fraud allegations (art19.com)
An article by Sheryl A. accumulating claims of fraud to date:
December 6, 2020 at 5:00 pm #7155Prayer alert: Pray for Rudy Guilianni who has just tested positive for Covid!
Trump Tweet:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
2hrs ago.@RudyGiuliani
by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!Also, (sent to Karen’s by her sister). Kristine Karamo was a witness at the Michigan hearing. She is clearly a woman of chayil! (see video below). She has other videos about following the Lord. She and two other women (another was also a witness) went to the Michigan Secretary of State, Joy Benson, and left her a petition. Here is a video of them leaving the petition and also a video by Kristine K. It is encouraging to see people fighting for what is right.
Three black female democrats calling a corrupt republican politician to account
Kristine with a lesson from Thomas Payne
This article also (we need to pray for the forensic examination of the machines happening today, that it will be done properly).
December 7, 2020 at 9:03 am #7156(Isaiah 55)
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…
12 ¶ “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress; instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall make a name for the LORD, an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.”Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Heb. 10:23) So be it, Lord!!
December 7, 2020 at 2:30 pm #7157Prayer alert:
What Mark Levin presented on his show (on Fox) last night is very important. This is what the Supreme Court will rule on this week sometime. We taped the show so we could watch it later, but it is not showing up on our recordings. I went to Mark’s Parler page, and he had posted there a transcript of the opening of his show that someone else had made and posted for him. I read the whole thing. It is complicated at the end, but its message is not complicated. This Supreme Court decision will be one of the most important ever made. The validity and power of the Constitution for governing these United States is at stake. I’ll post the link to the transcript below. Please keep praying for the SC justices by name beseeching heaven to help them do what is just and right.
Transcript: Mark Levin on Pennsylvania’s crucial appeal to SCOTUS – Jen Kuznicki
December 7, 2020 at 2:42 pm #7158In the middle of all this heavy stuff we need to laugh and this was just what the doctor ordered for me today:
December 8, 2020 at 2:03 pm #7159Prayer alert:
Texas has filed what is called an original jurisdiction lawsuit with the Supreme Court. To the best of my understanding, this is when a state sues another state. In this case Texas is suing 4 states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin). The contention is that Texas citizens are being wronged, defrauded by these other states who have not followed the constitution with regard to elections. If the Supreme Court accepts the case, it will be a trial case, something that is very rare in the Supreme Court. This means there will be witnesses.
Watch John Bachman’s show on Newsmax (today Dec. 8) for some explanation about this from Jenna Ellis and from Alan Dershowitz. Here are some fascinating things about this case
1. The lawyers: Ted Cruz and L. N. (can’t find his name right now), but the latter is an old Democrat lawyer who is a constitutionalist, textualist, etc. and is known as being a highly principled person. He has written about states suing states and is an expert on this. He believes this is necessary at this point in the fight over election fraud. The case is basically in defense of the Constitution.
2. Dershowitz says if accepted, it will be televised! Supreme Court cases are not ever televised because they are not trials with witnesses; but he says the SC cannot say no to TV in a trial case.
My take: If this happens, this trial will be public and the mainstream media will find themselves in a position to need to cover it live. If so, ALL Americans, liberals and conservatives would be shown the trial. Think about it: A Republican lawyer and a Democrat lawyer defending the Constitution in front of all of America! Wow. Make it so, Lord! Let us pray this case is accepted and televised by all news outlets! This could be the miracle so many have been praying for. This has the potential to bring all the the evidence the MSM has been hiding by laying out truthful evidence before all who watch. It isn’t clear to me what the outcome could be, but the lawsuit is asking that the Dec. 14th deadline be set aside while states due the necessary validating, investigating, etc. and it calls into question to validity of electoral votes by states who do not do so, possibly setting the stage for Congress to decide the next President.
Okay, that’s the best I can do to explain it. Let’s keep watching and praying. We have been praying that all Americans would know the truth so they could think rightly and reach right conclusions. Make it so Lord!
Also, for prayer this is quoted from Jay Sekulow:
Today MAJOR election action is happening at the Supreme Court.
In a major development at the Supreme Court, Justice Alito has ordered Pennsylvania to respond to a critical election irregularity lawsuit THIS MORNING. The Supreme Court could rule BEFORE PA seats its electors at NOON today.
We’ve been telling you that every LEGAL vote must count, and the Constitution MUST be upheld. The integrity of the election and the right to vote are the foundation of our constitutional republic.
At the ACLJ, we were built for this moment. Our legal team is already hard at work, preparing to protect the integrity of this critical election. We helped deliver a stunning rebuke in the landmark Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, and we’re ready to take action again.
(Watch our live broadcast for up-to-the-minute legal analysis at noon ET on ACLJ.org, Facebook, and YouTube.)
December 9, 2020 at 9:55 am #7160More good news:
Here is a link to part of Hannity’s show last night, which explains more about what I wrote in the previous post. I also heard that a number of other states have joined Texas in their lawsuit. (Just found this: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, & South Dakota have all announced that they will be joining Texas in the suit.)
TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL: State Legislatures Have Authority to Decide Electors | Sean Hannity
This link shows more of Hannity’s show with Ken Paxton (Texas Attorney General) explaining the lawsuit:
Keep the prayers ascending to Him who sits on the throne, the One to whom all authority in heaven and earth has been given!
December 10, 2020 at 2:03 pm #7161More reason to pray for the Justices. This is a critical time. I just listened to Mark Levin’s Podcast for 12/8/2020. In essence he said that the Supreme Court not taking the Pennsylvania case a few days ago and not giving any reason why, shows they are scared. They couldn’t give a reason because there isn’t one. It was a clear cut case of violating the Constitiution. Scared of what? Scared of upsetting the Democrats who will have the power to pack the Supreme court (a threat) if the Supreme Court stands up against what they (the Dems) want. He is concerned they are going to protect themselves and not the American people(they don’t want a packed court) and not the American people. Levin thinks that the Pa. case is a harbinger of what they will do with the Texas lawsuit. LET’S CONTINUE TO APPEAL TO THE HIGHEST COURT OF JUSTICE!
Choose the Dec 8 podcast at this link: Mark Levin’s podcasts
December 12, 2020 at 7:32 am #7162I am posting this for those who follow on this Zoom prayer thread, but aren’t on our text prayer thread.
Here are texts from last night as we found out the SC decision about the Texas lawsuit. They start with texts between another friend and me.
Friend of Jane’s: So it looks like any strong chance of votes being recounted is a moot point? The “window is closed” as Martha McCallum says on Fox News. No options left per another correspondent. I feel hopeless with regarding our govt.
Jane: What happened? I haven’t seen any new development. … I just saw it! I am sick!
Friend of Jane’s: Our country is in deep, deep trouble with our Supreme Court justices being that wimpy. I know there are consequences the SC will face for their decision (God doesn’t reward wimps), but we will suffer for it.
Jane: (Two teary sad faced icons.) I agree. Cowards. They should have had a trial and then made their judgment. They have deepened the division in this country and the distrust of the government. Big mistake.
Friend of Jane’s: I know God allowed this, and He’s still in charge, but it is hard to accept His plan. (Teary sad faced icon.)Jane: Yes this is very hard. It smacks of darkness and evil. Especially serious with all that is coming out about China’s tentacles in our government.
Friend of Jane’s: I know! The ‘piles’ of evil continue to build.
Jane: John just said, “There is still time for a miracle.” …and that is certainly what it will take. I’m not going to stop praying until Jan. 20.
Friend of Jane’s: So true! I’m just feeling really disheartened.
Jane: Me, too.
Friend of Jane’s: Glad we’re seeing each other tomorrow to boost our spirits! (heart)
Jane: Yes. Me too. My friend Kay just wrote: The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance. He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is established; He will not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies. (Psa. 118:6-8)
Jane: She just added: Forgot verse 10: The wicked wll see it and be grieved; He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked shall perish. (two hands up icon)
Friend of Jane’s: This so helps! I need some serious meditation on these verses (praying hands icon)
Jane: Kay is on a role. She just sent to me and the ladies we pray with: 13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! (Psa. 27:13-14)
–From this point, I (Jane) I am posting some texts from the prayer ladies’ thread because I was posting back and forth with my friend and with them at the same time so there was overlap:
Jane to prayer ladies: The Supreme Court did not take the Texas case! Said Texas had not standing, meaning Texas couldn’t prove we were hurt by other states.
person 1: Lord have mercy on us in these days especially!
Jane: Posted the SC ruling: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2020. ORDER IN PENDING CASE TEXAS V. PENNSYLVANIA, ET AL., The State of Texs’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot. Statement of Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins: In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a cas that falls within our original jurisdiction., See Arizona v. California, 89 U.S.__(Feb 24, 2020) (thomas, J., dissenting). I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.Kay then posted her verses (above)
Kay also wrote: Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit!! We can wait.
(I’m not posting the various “Amens” that followed these posts.)
Jane: Just saw these on parler:
Jane: Watching Greg Kelly tape of his 6 pm show. Newsmax. It is helpful to hear what else is going on. Kelly says strongly it is not over by any stretch.
Jane: Rudy Guilliani just said that the SC didn’t accept the case because Texas has no standing (not that it didn’t have merit). Rudy said the President has standing to file a case like Texas’s, starting in the district courts in each swing state and I think he said they would. Jenna said similarly. RG said the point is that there needs to be a hearing for the American people to know the facts.
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