The Thread of Gold /A Word from the Author


A Word from the Author



As much as I would like to tell my story in a form that would allow you to see just my God, my wonderful treasure, and not have to spend too much time looking at this earthen vessel, I have found that feat quite impossible. Be assured that in the pages of The Thread of Gold, the beautiful character is God. The other one, the one with all the needs, the flaws, and the hurts, is me. You will see how God makes Himself known to me and weaves a beautiful thread of gold into my little, common, unexceptional, often fearful, and seemingly purposeless life.

You may find that my life, at its core, is much like your own, in that whenever we are quiet and reflect a little, we know we live each day on shaky ground. Deep down, we know that we really have no guarantees about anything…unless there is God.

My story shows that God does indeed exist, and that He loves us with a love that far surpasses our ability to understand. It demonstrates that His love is readily offered and easily obtained. It doesn’t have to be earned because it is already given. When we accept His love, it sets us on a rock from which we can never be dislodged. It gives us a deep, unshakable knowing that, not only are we safe in this dark and distressing world, but we each also have been placed here with a special and wonderful purpose.

You will not find a textbook Christian life on these pages—one that moves along nicely from point A to point Z as if following a “how-to-be-a-Christian” manual. You will not find a neat, systematic, theologically-defined, orthodox experience. Instead, you will find a typical person who seeks God through the twists and turns of a messy human life and finds Him, or I should say, is found by Him. This book reveals the wonderful secret that every difficulty in life, every human suffering or tangled circumstance, is actually a gateway waiting to open and usher us into God’s presence and His plan for our lives.

As you read, I hope that you will find Him, the One who not only brings us through every hardship to a place of triumph, but also makes us channels to others of His great love. Our faith in Him, which grows through all our experiences with Him on our journey through life, will remain for our eternal joy—the beautiful thread of gold which was woven through the dark-colored threads of our afflictions.

– Jane Carole Anderson

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