The Thread of Gold /Feedback

Feedback from readers



Jane, the author, would like to learn about any help that the book afforded you or someone  you know. You can email her  at All communications will be kept confidential.

The following testimonials are from the first year of the book (October 2005 to October 2006). Most are written in a way to keep identities secret, and there are no plans to post any more testimonials.

In the book’s first month

This feedback has been summarized in narratives by John Anderson:

•   From pre-publication readers

  From those who read the book during its first month

During the year

This feedback is from emails and phone call notes:

•   From former Local Church members

•   From Local Church members

•   From those never in the Local Church

This feedback is a condensed version of a long email:

•   From India about the Living Stream Ministry

We have prayed often that God would put this book into the hands of those He wanted to receive it. We didn’t plan how that would happen but left that part to God. The response to the book continues to amaze us. Also surprising to us is that the book, in addition to spreading throughout the U.S., has gone to twenty-one other countries.

Also, please consider encouraging others by posting any feedback you may have about the book on the forum at or on the Lemons To Grapes Forum. You can post your comments under an alias.

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