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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
August 29, 2020 at 5:25 pm #6962
We had another good time of prayer and fellowship today. S.J. whom some of us have not seen in many years came today. It was wonderful to reconnect with her and to hear her prayers that rang clear as a bell with truth. God is so good! S. commented on how so many of God’s people are praying. She said she had been praying for revival. We told her we have been praying the same. We all prayed again today that God would convict His people one by one and bring them to repentance. I shared how it is a matter of historical record that revival breaks out when God’s people repent and get right with him. The church becomes a light and society benefits as many are turned to God.
We also prayed for Pres. Trump, for protection and blessing on him; for him to stay strong physically and for the Lord to carry him through the days ahead. We prayed again Let there be light! Light that expose the darkness and separate falsehood from truth. We prayed that law and order will be restored and freedom preserved. We prayed again for every bad apple in governments (fed and state and local) to be expelled and for God to put people with integrity in office. We praised Him in advance for hearing and answering our prayers. We may be few and be among those who are considered foolish things, but when a few small foolish things ask in faith, God hears! Feeling blessed to belong to Him and be privileged to fight the good fight and pray for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
August 29, 2020 at 5:32 pm #6963We also prayed that God’s people, one by one, will learn to follow Him first and foremost for themselves and not let others take His place in their lives. We also prayed for those in Louisiana and Texas in need of help after the devastating hurricane, that God will meet their needs. We prayed that they will cry out to Him and He will answer them and show them how real he is. We prayed for Joan’s biopsy on Monday, that God will keep and comfort her with His presence step by step. We prayed for a good outcome from the test.
August 29, 2020 at 6:02 pm #6964We also prayed for the Lord to expose any idols and sins that we might not be aware of, and that we would be aware of His presence throughout the hours of our days in cooperation with Him, so that our prayer burdens will be heard and answered. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 3:14). Lord, do humble all your prayer warriors !
August 30, 2020 at 11:31 am #6965Here is a video which has Glenn Beck apologizing for how he has misjudged Trump’s character as being an uncaring person. The apology happens fairly early in the video. The rest of the video is a lot of commentary on the RNC this past week. You may or may not be interested in all of it … 🙂 I just appreciated that Beck would apologize. A breath of fresh air.
September 6, 2020 at 8:24 pm #7024I said I would do this, so I am going to do my best. Pardon the composition in advance, I am just trying to capture the big picture of our fellowship and prayer:
Very good prayer time last Saturday. We got down to business and made some requests of our King!
First, here are some answers to prayers we have been praying:
1. That Sex trafficking of children come into public awareness (be more in the news) and more and more perpetrators be arrested and stopped.
– a big story on Fox news about 39 human trafficking victims who were rescued and perpetrators arrested (Georgia officials working with federal officials in a “Not Forgotten” Program. News person said something to the effect [to the person she was interviewing that is behind the initiative] “thanks for the work being done to bring this hidden crime to light.”)
– a few days later another story (9/2) on news: Operation Underground – an organization has been rescuing young girls from sex-trafficking. They told how the New York Times magazine published an article defending the arrested men (the predators) saying they were wrongly arrested because they had been arrested just as they were about to commit the sex crime against a minor, not after the fact, so there was no evidence! (The point is to save the girls!!) The Times said these men were innocent because they hadn’t done the deed yet for which they were arrested (sting operations). There was a good interview with the founder of Operation Underground who said they they have a 95% conviction rate with of those they had helped be arrested. The founder had been accused of saying he was a Christian who prayed. He answered to the affect that he was answering God’s call to him “Find the lost children …” To having been condemned as a praying Christian, he responded something like, “I believe in God and prayer. Yes. I make no apology.”
2. We have been praying that what is true would become so apparent that Democrats who have only been listening to liberal media would be able to see through all the spin and would wake up and vote for Trump and law and order.
— this past week 6 more democratic leaders came out (Minnesota) with a letter saying they will vote for Trump and explaining why. They said that the democrats have left them, not vice versa and Trump represents the interests of their constituencies who are trying to save their businesses, preserve their property and their freedom.
3. We have been praying “Let there be light!” Light so bright that truth cannot be hidden:
— Joe B’s speech a few mos. ago: “I will stop fracking (emphatic and repeated)” Now, there is a new clip of him saying “I will never stop fracking!” Per Tucker Carlson, this speech was dubbed as the worst ever in a democratic campaign because every line in it was a lie. Such darkness is making the light more apparent. More things like this, but I can’t remember them now.
4. We prayed that whatever is done evilly against the President to sway public opinion will work the opposite and sway it for Trump (like Jacob and Laban. When Laban tried to get gain by taking the speckled sheep (there were more of them) and leaving the spotted for Jacob (fewer of them) (it may be the opposite, but you get the idea) that God would flip it so that there were more spotted and fewer speckled. In other words, whatever was done evilly against Trump God would change to be for him (mail-in voting, etc.)
–The democrats let the riots continue apparently hoping this would make Trump look bad. Biden was silent on the topic for 3 months (not condemning the riots or doing anything to appeal for their end; said nothing about any of it at the DNC), then after the RNC, the tide began to flip and people were beginning to blame the Democratic mayors, governors, etc. Seeing the plan was backfiring, Biden came out and started talking about the months of riots for the first time, blaming Trump and his “white nationalists and white supremacists” for instigating them; Interestingly the Democrats watching liberal media had been told little to nothing about the riots for these three months, so we realized some of them may have been awakened to say “What riots?” More light it seems!!
–Also Biden quoted Kayleigh McEnany as having said that they (Trump and the Republicans) liked the rioting because it will get Trump re-elected. Bill Mauer (a staunch democrat) said he wished Biden had not said that (either that or the other thing about the rioting) … Mauer actually saw something and admitted it!
–Or it may have been this that Biden said that Mauer commented on:
Biden said Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb! A black man did!
Let their be light:
–Some light came on Nancy P. caught on camera as a hypocrite: getting her hair done at a closed salon in CA, not wearing a mask after repeatedly slamming Trump for not wearing a mask and not keeping Covid rules. Then throwing the salon owner who told the story under the bus as having set her up. A small thing, but light on her behavior might cost her some women’s votes (Democratic women who are stuck at home in CA not able to go to hair salons.) When she said she was set up by the hair salon, she apologized for getting set up. !!!
A. D. told me that Kamala Harris has appeared in pictures with a woman who is a known witch and who does artwork with human blood and cells of aborted babies. Gross. I have felt that KH was involved in the occult and if this is true (haven’t tried to verify) this is terrible. Lord save us from governance by such people.
More prayers for all the above and for people like Tucker Carlson who are fearlessly reporting things that are not PC. Carlson presented strong evidence that Google and Facebook are actively banning and removing all posts they don’t like that help Trump. Tucker said the polling for Trump shows to be down due to one thing: the suffering of people under Covid. The scapegoat is Trump. Any truth coming out right now about Covid (from doctors) that would comfort people (and there is a lot) is being systematically removed and websites taken down. Google, Facebook, Twitter have the power to do so with their tech company networking. . So “who needs Russia to interfere with the election?” Tucker said this is an new kind of authoritarian take over … controlling information to get the end result they desire. Tucker showed one of the videos.
We prayed that the Lord would bind Google, Facebook, and Twitter from this kind of abuse of power and from rigging their search results so that conservative things they don’t like don’t get found. Big tech is the only way we can communicate, so it is very serious when websites are shut down and youtubes removed. Keep praying for truth to break through and all the schemes of the devil to fail!
We prayed “Bind all the lies and release the truth! The truth sets free, but how can people be set free if they don’t hear the truth?!” Bound this lie: Trump said fallen military men were suckers and loosers!
Protection for the good reporters (Tucker, Hannity … another action of some kind coming against him, Trey Gowdy, Kaylee M, Sandra S,
Prayed for repentance of the church for two things: On both sides of comp/egal divide: For comps: authoritarian leaders interference in the Lordship of Christ over each believer. For egals: for wrongly fighting for social justice and accepting sexually sinning believers into the fellowship of the church and leadership positions.
Prayed for covid 19 to go away or at least all fear of it for people who are truly walking with God.
Maybe others will post what they remember or other prayers we need to continue to pray during the week. I encouraged everyone to start using this forum to communicate as we watch and pray during the week.
September 6, 2020 at 8:24 pm #7023September 6, 2020 at 8:26 pm #7026September 7, 2020 at 8:40 am #7027I’m being continually reminded of the fact that in order to have a clear sky to pray effectively as we seem to be doing, it’s of utmost importance that we try to keep very short accounts with the Lord in our day-to-day experiences at home and in all of our relationships with people, no matter the cost to our PRIDE. Yes, there’s that P-word! I think we’re learning to keep in the forefront of our minds that pride is what started the fall in Heaven with Lucifer, and ultimately Adam, and is most often (maybe always?) the cause of sin that blocks our service to the Lord, especially binding and loosing prayer. In my own experience I can say that “Pride goeth before the fall.” This fallen, wicked world that’s so riddled with rioting and “the plague,“ God commanded Adam to subdue and conquer, and that’s still our aim today. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!” Lord, you did rid Heaven of pride, and you will do the same on the Earth!
September 7, 2020 at 8:42 am #7028September 7, 2020 at 10:21 am #7029The prayer yesterday was encouraging. We thanked the Lord for answered prayers and praised Him for his faithfulness. We asked Him for more Democrat leaders to realize that President Trump has the best interests of our nation in mind and to turn to support him.
We asked the Lord to shine his light on social media and stop attempts being made to stifle the truth and hide untruth.
We asked the Lord to cause many more Americans to seek His face and for us to be blessed with revival in our land. In these days of limitation of our activities we prayed for more to begin to seek God and turn to His Word that gives truth and life.
September 7, 2020 at 11:19 am #7030I just saw this on Facebook. This woman is not one you would expect to see through the spin, but Covid19 actually served as a door for her to learn truth and she has seen through the fake news. More evidence of answered prayer. Thank you, Lord that light is shining. This showed up on my Facebook timeline somehow. It was posted 4 days ago:
Amanda Kapes
#WalkAway Campaign
4d ·
I spent nearly the last four years LOATHING Donald Trump to my core. Little did I know throughout those years just how the mainstream media was falsely depicting a man as someone who represented all things I had no tolerance for. You know the names: racist, homophobic, xenophobic; whatever other phobic you can tie on to a minority group.
I am a masters prepared licensed social worker (and a gay one). I took fierce pride in the liberalism I was taught in graduate school. I believed liberalism stood for equality for all. I thought it valued acceptance, peace, and love without judgement. Most dear to my heart it meant carrying those less fortunate and fighting for those without a voice. These are still things I value deeply. That did not change in the least. I carry a burning torch for these principles. I do still value political correctness. I don’t understand why anyone would continue to use words/phrases if you’re told they are hurtful to someone. Anyway, I guess that makes me a red snowflake haha. Whatever.
I believed most conservatives were bigoted, judgmental, narrow-minded, and uneducated. I believed they wanted to take away the rights of others and force their beliefs on anyone they came in contact with… and I sure hated them.
In 2016, I weeded out my entire friends list of any red hats accept for my friends in AA. Surely, anyone that voted for Trump, I could not possibly have anything in common with I thought, as I further justified my defriending spree. Besides the constant political banter was annoying and stressful. The morning I woke up to see the election results, I dressed in all black to symbolize the mourning of what certainly would be the death of our country as we knew it. (Sure wish I didn’t choose to delete everyone now )
Flash forward to 2020.
I welcomed a beautiful baby girl to our family in January (Shout out Gracie). A rainbow after a very traumatic infant loss two years earlier. (Shout out to my Greyson). Vaccination became a hot topic between myself and my mother leading me to a lot of digging, which resulted in a ton of skepticism and doubt in our government entities. I remember being left with a very heavy feeling of “if they could lie about this what else are they lying about”.
Enter Covid: The short version:
I watched Trump’s task force briefings without fail. Never missed a single one. It was important, so, even though at that point my perception of him had not changed yet, I dug in and watched, bc well duh we were in a global pandemic.
Enter: MSM
What became clear time and time again (as I was still a pretty faithful viewer of MSM) was how his words were twisted so badly and so frequently. I caught myself saying time and time again “Woah wait that is NOT what he said!” More questions and digging abound. Man, I sure never thought I would ever find myself defending Donald J Trump. Why did they hate him so much anyway?
Enter: Protests
This is when there was no turning back for me. I watched as law abiding citizens were being criminalized for protesting shut downs in the name of public health. What happened to our Constitution? I stood in awe watching the riots as the media forgot covid existed for weeks only to blame a spike on Memorial Day cookouts (ummm okay). I watched as tens of thousands, if not more gathered in protests/riots as small businesses remained closed or shut their doors forever. Why are violent criminals going free? Why are people protecting their property as per the second amendment being persecuted. (I was all for gun reform. NOW I see quite clearly why we need them and am in the process of purchasing my own).
What the hell was going on? What the hell IS going on?
I have been lied to. We have been lied to. Walkingaway feels like a second closet I never thought Id have to step out of. I worry close friends will become distant, but its time to get to the truth. Theres too much at stake.
Trump 2020September 7, 2020 at 11:24 am #7031One more:
We prayed about truth that would stop the lies that Trump had called fallen soldiers loosers and suckers. This is a wonderful story that can do so! Hope it doesn’t get taken down from the Internet. Lord, may many see and read this! (Note it is on NBC.com.)
September 12, 2020 at 2:52 pm #7033A few notes during prayer time today 9/12/2020.
Offered thanks: for Trump getting some recognition after all the horrible bad press about him for years now (Nobel prize nominee).
Thanks for some answered prayers this week.
51 Day Siege in the works by BLM starting 9/17 (attacking all around the White House til election). Prayed about this for it to be bound and not work; we bound the wicked forces behind scenes. Bind the seige!) (Kay will try to find out more about this and post it.) We will continue to pray “Bind the siege” this week.
We prayed for voting to be protected, for police to be funded and demonically driven movements and organizations to be de-funded. We prayed that our constitutional right to worship and our freedom to follow the Lord would be protected and preserved.
CBS interview of Atty. Gen. Barr where the truth Barr spoke was clear and kept getting clearer and stronger now matter how hard the good interviewer tried to derail him. (Kay will post link if she can find it.) Prayed for the CBS reporter that she would learn what is true and choose to believe it.
New book, Blitz by Horowitz counters Bob Woodwards book ?? (Karen) Prayed for truth to win out.
Blackout by Candace Owens (Comes out 9/15); praying for her and that the truth she is speaking will be heard by all who need it.
Al Sharpton who has been an activist on behalf of black people for years came out and said the far out leftist liberals sipping their lattes were the ones who were behind de-fund the police. Sharpton said we need the police. He said that black people do not need police to be de-funded; they need the police. We thanked the Lord for Sharpton speaking truth into the darkness.
More, but this is all I wrote down …
Oh yes, one more, we prayed for those in the LC’s in the Texas region to know what is true and be set free. Prayed at some length about this.
September 12, 2020 at 9:12 pm #7035September 13, 2020 at 11:45 am #7037Another answered prayer. Netflix lost a massive number of subscribers after they aired a movie named Cuties that has 11 year old girls dancing grossly and provocatively in it. They claim it was to educate people about the danger their children are in (and it does, according to one reporter), but the downside of airing it seems to outweigh its message .. it plays to those who are involved and causing the problem. The good news is that, as we have prayed, the problem is surfacing and in the news and public awareness, and that there was such a public outcry and reaction. Lord save our children from perverse and wicked people.
Another answer .. we prayed about the hidden things of darkness surfacing and truth coming to light with regard to false stories in the news and evil perpetrators (demons behind the scenes using people). This past week a tape of a CNN reporter was released with a conversation that was very exposing. Someone said this was one of the worse things to happen to CNN in a long time. I just came in on the end of the report, so that is all I know. 🙂 If I find more about it, I will post. It encouraged me to keep praying for the Lord to bring things to light that will cause people to know what is true and what is false.
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