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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
June 12, 2022 at 3:34 pm #8282June 20, 2022 at 9:58 am #8285
As some of you know, the Lemons To Grapes website has been down for several days. Thank you for your much needed prayers! We have been able to successfully restore the website. We are in the process of verifying that all is back to normal. You have received this “test” post so that we can confirm things are working correctly on the website Forum. If you have time, would you please access the website by going to https://lemonstograpes.com and then click Forums at the top of the page to see if you can see the Forum page. Then, if you wouldn’t mind, please send me an email (or write a post on the zoom prayer thread) telling me that you were able to view the website and the forum.
Thank you!
June 23, 2022 at 11:28 am #8293I think a little testimony is in order. It’s about something that happened to me during the recent lemonstograpes.com website problem (which is now solved). I am putting it here on our prayer thread because it is about a very specific prayer God answered for me near the end of the very long process of getting the website restored.
First let me say that I had a lot of conversations with the Lord while the site was down. (I knew how serious the situation was and that sometimes you cannot recover a crashed site.) During one conversation, I told the Lord (again) that the website was His. If He wanted it to function, He could restore it. If He didn’t, although it would really hurt to lose so suddenly the product of so many years of work, I would accept this from Him and do my best to say “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Two days after the site crashed, (Sunday, 6/19) several necessary things dovetailed. Support people were able to get the connection between the website’s backup service and the website’s hosting service re-established so that we could attempt a site restore of the most recent backup. Restoring the site took a number of hours, but finally I got a notice that it was done. I typed in “lemontograpes.com” and, wallah, it was back!! I was so relieved and grateful to the Lord!
But then (while happily testing everything and seeing that all was well), I discovered a problem, and it was major. (What a let down!) Knowing how difficult troubleshooting is, I braced myself for maybe needing to spend a few more days in back and forth email communication with three different sets of interrelated support people (with long waits in between emails)!
Two days later, still no one had been able to figure out the site’s problem: Why was a user who tried to log-in to the website thrown out of it and given the message “there has been a critical error on this site”?
Yesterday (6/22), sitting in front of my computer feeling very discouraged, I said, “Lord, no one knows what is causing this problem … but You know. Couldn’t you please just tell me?” Immediately this word came into my mind: “Wordfence.”
Wordfence is a plugin on my website that performs security functions such as stopping hackers. I had the thought to temporarily deactivate that plugin and then see if I could log in without an error. When I tried to deactivate Wordfence (click one key that says deactivate), I was thrown out of the website and given the same critical error message.
I instantly knew I that I had the culprit, and that Wordfence support would be able to help me. God had answered my very specific prayer. (He has been trying to teach me to pray specifically, so I can see His specific answers, but I am a slow learner.) I felt a wonderful wave of relief. It was as if the problem was already fixed, and I told John so. I was in awe of how God had answered my prayer so simply and quickly.
Then, what was even more amazing was this: I received an email from one of the support people that said he had good news for me: He had found the culprit: He said it was the Wordfence plugin! Wow. What a confirmation!
I subsequently followed the Wordfence support person’s instructions and bingo, all went back to normal! I wrote the following to that support person (a fitting closing to this testimony):
I followed your suggestion and well-written steps this morning and … all is well on my website again! It looks like this was the last step back to normal–after my website crash and long/difficult restore! Glory be to God (who has heard my prayers) and thanks be to Phil who provided the last piece of the puzzle. Hope that doesn’t offend, just felt I had to say it because it is true!
June 26, 2022 at 1:33 pm #8310Thank you, Lord Jesus, for hearing and answering the many prayers to end Roe v. Wade! Thank you for beginning to close the door on all those who have profited from legalized abortion by illegally selling aborted baby parts “under the table”! Thank you for turning the course of this big evil baby-killing ship! Grant that there will be a full turn away from this great evil. Work mightily by your Holy Spirit, state by state, to protect the unborn! Also we pray you will pour out your Spirit on this earth again in these latter days and bring people to repentance, especially for practicing and promoting promiscuity. You are holy, and humankind is called to be holy as you are! Thank you for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and makes us holy as You are!
June 26, 2022 at 3:10 pm #8316Amen, Lord! Thank You for the Dobbs decision overturning Roe and Casey. It is truly momentous.
When I read the Old Testament about parents who forced their children to walk through the fire, I used to think how awful and how pagan they were back then. They did it as a devilish sacrifice, having a misguided belief about what they were doing.
Here in the U.S., however, people have been selling pieces of babies after killing them–just to make money. To me, this seems worse than what the pagans were doing.
Thank you to Project Veritas for exposing the evil practice (which I had forgotten about). How gruesome it is for me to imagine “harvesting” baby parts.
By the way, PV needs financial support for ongoing legal expenses after the FBI raid last year. The FBI took 45 of PV’s devices and still has them. The powers that be are trying to drive them out of business, no doubt (more to pray about).
June 26, 2022 at 3:17 pm #8317Here is a donation link for Jame’s Okeefe of Project Veritas.
Stand with Project Veritas – pledge your tax-deductible donation right now.
Here is a link to a (virtual) speech given right after the SC ruling by Kristin Hawkins of Students for Life and then live speeches by others at the Supreme Court outside yesterday. Very informative.
June 26, 2022 at 6:49 pm #8318June 27, 2022 at 3:48 am #8319Wonderful verses:
In a certain town there was a judge
who neither feared God nor respected men.
And there was a widow in that town who kept appealing to him,
“Give me justice against my adversary.”For a while he refused, but later he said to himself,
“Even though I do not fear God or respect men,
yet because this widow keeps pestering me, I will give her justice.
Then she will stop wearing me out with her perpetual requests.”And the Lord said, “Listen to the words of the unjust judge.
Will not God bring about justice for His elect
who cry out to Him day and night?
Will He continue to defer their help?
I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf.”
(Luke 18:2–8, Berean Study Bible)June 27, 2022 at 12:15 pm #8323CBN vows to keep fighting wokeism and women preachers in the SBC
In response to the above article, I tried to post a comment, but it was too long, so I am posting it here for our prayer group. Prayers are being heard!
My comment: CBN will never make headway in fighting for the truth until they stop linking these two in their arguments: “wokeism” and “women preachers.” They are right on their stance against wokeism, but their stance concerning women is wrong. Their hardened views find support only in Christian tradition and errant Bible translations. CBN’s fight on the “woman” front will result in them being found fighting against the truth and God! (Gamaliel’s warning applies).
Too much biblical evidence has surfaced in recent decades concerning God’s view of women—solid, well-researched evidence, provided by renowned Greek/Hebrew scholars like Phillip Payne. CBN needs to clothe themselves in humility and give due diligence to an up-to-date study of the woman topic. Much more is at stake on this earth than upholding the reputation of their Baptist organization.
What is at stake is the church’s ability to fight and win in spiritual warfare. (Israel’s defeat at Ai applies.) The centuries-old suppression of women in the church is a huge, long-term “sin in the camp.” It has produced a massive hole in the wall through which the devil has invaded and defeated many believers. Centuries of male pastors/clerics who have been defeated by sexual sin show this, as does the big report on display this year at the SBC. Their focus is on current bad fruit (and rightly so), but God’s focus is on purging out the long-term root sin in the camp: the abuse of women on every level, including suppression of their spiritual giftings. Learning and teaching the truth about God’s view of woman will bring about long overdue repentance. Only that will begin to really change things for the better … the way better. Our Father’s name will be hallowed, and His kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
July 2, 2022 at 7:39 am #8334Another prayer answered testimony. God has really milked our recent computer problem for all its usefulness to Him in teaching us to pray.
A few days after the “Wordfence” answer to prayer I shared about a few posts ago, I got a high security alert on the LemonsToGrapes site. I was presented with a list of 15,059 core files that had been affected by a serious security breach!! After I finally starting to breathe again, I realized this alert was probably related to the website having been through a crash and restore.
Thus began another trip through computer-support-by-email only-h***. Wordfence support figured out what was likely causing the major alert. The fix would be simple, but I had to ask my hosting site support to take care of it. Once again, I got a tech person who had low reading comprehension and poor English communication skills. He did not do the simple thing I asked, but rather did something else. Thus began another long, drawn out, back-and-forth of emails trying to clear up the further problem he caused. This went on for several days until I literally screamed after I read a support response.
John had asked me earlier if I had prayed, and I had answered, “Yes, I’m just not getting an answer!”
Throughout all of the computer nightmare of the past three weeks, John has suffered maybe more than me, watching what I was going through and experiencing second-hand the high level of stress I was under. Now, he couldn’t believe I was (we were) once again back in the mode of dealing with incompetent computer support people. I won’t make this lead-in story any longer; now I come to what I want to share about answered prayer.
I told John I was going to stop communicating with “escalated” support (which is supposed to be the best), and go back to low-level support. They can’t always help, but they interact by phone not by email! When John heard this, unbeknownst to me, he went outside and spent 20 minutes praying for me and the whole situation. He made his case with God using the verses about a father not giving his son a stone when he asked for bread and not giving his son a serpent when he asked for fish. When he came back in the house, he heard my calm, relaxed voice on the phone. Ten or fifteen minutes later, everything was fixed–Not only the immediate problem, but all the wrap-up things that prior support had failed to do properly, things that would have required more back-and-forth emails.
It may not make sense to those reading this, but for one thing, the website was finally back to its original, normal size (17 Gig). It was at 79 Gig when I started the low-level support call. It had been as high as 122 Gig during the long support effort. This was due to backup, temporary, and misplaced folders scattered here and there–things that were never properly removed by support people, things that affect the health of the website, including its speed.
John was very, very happy to hear the report. When I heard about his prayer, I almost started crying.
So it seems, God is really busy giving “heavenly support” by His Spirit (not emails!) to his two little earthly prayer warriors, John and Jane. He is teaching both of us how to come to the throne of grace for specific help in time of need! God knew there was more clean up work to be done on the website, and He got it done! He knows there is more work to do cleaning up and training his little prayer warrior couple, and He is getting that done, too.
Though we too often lose sight of this wonderful fact, God is good! He alone is worthy to be praised!
July 12, 2022 at 9:05 am #8384This is an excellent and educational article by Robert Malone. The things being “howled” about now are things that are answers to our prayers! Thought some of you might enjoy reading this.
July 15, 2022 at 12:01 pm #8390Let’s put a wall of protective prayer around Trump and the others named in this report.
July 27, 2022 at 11:02 am #8410We need to pray for Andrew Torba. He’s got a lot of things right, but he has got one thing seriously wrong. You can see the great deceiver at work in the following email that Andrew sent out to fellow gabbers. It has false teaching mixed with good–the devil’s specialty.
Lord Jesus, we ask you to deliver Andrew from the evil one and from all false teaching. Save him from leading others astray. Open his eyes to the truth concerning male and female following Jesus as King together in mutual submission to one another. Show him that is God’s way for us to overcome the enemy! Lord Jesus, save us from dominion by dominant Christian males using their “masculine energy to conquer and lead.”
You only need to look at the condition of the church today to see where practicing that kind of teaching and belief in civil government would lead us.
Lord, end the confusion caused by false, leavened teachings. Stop the enemy from using people like Andrew who love you and want to serve you! He has bought a lie as to how to overcome the enemy. Deliver him from this evil!
Jesus is King! Father, send the Holy Spirit again in power to revive your people and bring about true reconciliation of male and female in Christ, so we can walk together in truth and overcome the enemy by faith in You!
July 30, 2022 at 3:55 pm #8411Three special pray-days this week:
-Tuesday: For the vote on this day in Kansas on the person-hood of unborn babies to be “YES”
-Wednesday: For my meeting with Brooke Crowder on this day
-Thursday: For Les (Cheryl’s husband) who is having gall bladder surgery on this day
Also, today we had a lot of fellowship about praying more for the revealing of truth about God’s purpose for male and female together and also about praying more for women to see the truth and not be afraid to speak it. Our burden was spurred by an article by Andrew Tobar, the founder of Gab.com (see prior post). We prayed for him to know the truth.
We talked about and began to pray about Psalms 68:11 (see NIV and other versions that translate it correctly using “women”) … that God would raise up such a host (army) of women to publish the truth of His word.
John talked a little about “Sarah” in the Bible. Here is the link to the paper he has written about her that I said I would make available. It is excellent!
July 31, 2022 at 2:22 pm #8412Please continue to pray for Andrew Torba (see post #8410).
He loves the Lord, but His message is skewed (see link below). It will end up leading him and others astray. It sounds good at first blush and is attractive because people, especially Christians, are so desperate for hope. He is preaching that Christ is King (the truth) but is adding to that … a Christian Nationalism movement. (This movement has been around awhile in various forms.) Jesus didn’t preach Christian Nationalism. He preached the gospel of the Kingdom. His kingdom is something born of the Spirit and led by King Jesus. It is not something led by men in a movement shaped according to their natural understanding of dominion. Men’s movements typically end up in people following the movement and its leader(s) instead of Christ Himself. They hinder Christians from learning to follow the King for themselves. Hearing his message breaks my heart for him. I really love this young man and believe he is genuinely seeking to follow the Lord in these dark days, but this message has all the earmarks of something some of us know only too well, something that will lead people astray from Christ. Men’s movements produce Ishmaels. Only the Spirit can produce an Isaac (a real move of God). Isaacs only come when women are free to follow the King the same as men, and when they follow Him together in mutual submission to Him and to one another. (I know I sound like a broken record…).
The sad truth is that what Andrew T. is aiming for on this earth (righteousness, peace, etc.) is something that will come out of believers following Christ in holiness and having dominion over the devil by prayer and obedience. His message is so close, yet so far. Makes me hate the devil even more (something I and other women come by naturally since God pronounced in Genesis that we would hate the serpent.)
Lord, save Andrew from all deception. Save him from false teachings. Get his attention and help him see the truth about “them” having dominion by the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not let the enemy derail his walk with You or the good purpose to which You have called him.
Again, a good side to what is happening with Andrew and Gab is that Gab is becoming a bigger and bigger platform for truth to be spoken, and Gab doesn’t censor people. Lord show us how to use Gab to publish the truth of your word for your glory.
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