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- This topic has 303 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 08/19/2024 at 5:07 pm by
Jane C Anderson.
June 13, 2020 at 5:38 pm #6272
If you want to come to a Zoom Prayer Meeting (you can pray or just listen), please request an invitation.
Today (June 13, 2020), we had our first zoom prayer meeting. The replies to this topic are for notes about what we prayed for and also for informative posts about things that need prayer.
June 13, 2020 at 6:31 pm #6273Today we prayed for President Trump- that God will protect him, preserve his health, give him good sleep (4 hrs equaling 8), give him wisdom from above concerning how to handle the many crises he is facing. We bound all the unseen wicked, demonic forces that have been coming against him relentlessly since he became President. We prayed that law and order will be maintained that we can live quiet and peaceful lives.
Police- that God would comfort and reassure the many, many good police officers and their families. That he would protect all of them from all the evil coming against them. That he would keep them from fear and that he would help them be willing to stay and not resign. We prayed that God would give President Trump the words they need to hear to feel safe. We prayed that God would surface the bad cops and get rid them.
Seattle- that God would let us all learn from what has happened and that that anarchy and rebellion will be ended in the best way possible without more deaths and harm to people.
For General Flynn- that God would let justice prevail quickly.
For the church, that God would begin judgment at his house now and bring light on all the sins that are hindering effective warfare prayer by God’s people. In specific, idolatry, sexual sin, division. We prayed for women to learn who they are in Christ and begin to walk in that.
In our first meeting, we prayed God would raise of an army of young women of chayil who love Him and are not afraid to speak the truth in love. We prayed they would become powerful prayer warriors. Prayed the same for young men.
We prayed that God would convict those of us who were praying, of anything in our lives that was hindering Him from answering our prayers so that we could repent!
We prayed that each one of God’s people would learn to follow the great Shepherd of the sheep for themselves and stop following other people and voices. We prayed that there would be a repentance on a broad scale for Christians disobeying Jesus’ command to “call no man your leader” and for leaders “lording it over believers” in Christian hierarchies that are just like the world’s hierarchies.
Others who were there may want to post anything else they remember.
We also prayed for married men and women to learn to seek the Lord first and draw near to their Savior in order to have good coordination in ruling and having dominion together as the Lord designed – that each would stay in the light and contribute to maintaining love and blessings in the family.
June 16, 2020 at 8:07 am #6298All of the following is quoted from an article about prayer written by John Maisel of East/West Ministries:
(bold added by me)
“Why is praying so hard, even harder than studying the Scriptures or sharing the gospel with others? Prayer plays a huge role in the spiritual conflict of good and evil. The scope of the conflict “in the heavenlies” is of such great proportion that only by looking at the Scripture can we get an insight into what is happening. Let’s look briefly at the book of Daniel.
Daniel 10:12-14 gives us some insight into the heavenly struggle Daniel faces as he prays and seeks God’s wisdom and understanding:
Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.’
Daniel is praying and asking for something that God wants to give him, and God actually sends His messenger (an angel) to give Daniel the insight for which he had asked. The problem is that the angel was engaged with a Prince of Darkness called the prince of the Persian kingdom. The angel struggled to get past this demon of darkness that had great power and finally called for reinforcements after three weeks of struggle. Michael was superior to this being of darkness and removed him so that God’s answer could get to Daniel.
Can we experience the same things when we pray in Jesus’ name?
Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our struggle is not with “flesh and blood,” meaning people who have positions over us, people who are against us. This is not our struggle. It is against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forms of evil in the heavenly realm.
Back to our question—why is it so hard to pray?
When we study, Satan trembles; when we pray, Satan goes into “emergency session.”
If we allow the fear of evil forces to keep us from praying boldly, we may miss out on the great things God can do in and through us….
He has promised that He will show us “great and mighty things” that we don’t even know about. Spend 60 seconds asking your heavenly Father to open your eyes to the power of prayer.
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things… .’ -Jeremiah 33:3
Never forget, even with plagues and visions, God is present with all the power and authority in Heaven and Earth. It’s time our light begins to shine for His name’s sake.”
June 23, 2020 at 11:23 am #6532Last week (June 20th) at our zoom get together, we prayed for all of today’s believers. We prayed that the Great Shepherd would call each one freshly to follow Him and that His sheep would stop following voices other than His. “My sheep know my voice !!” We went back and forth between fellowshipping, confessing our own sin in this area, and praying. I think we did some heavenly business for the kingdom of God coming on earth!
July 19, 2020 at 12:09 pm #6540The last three weeks we had some really good prayer! (July 4, 11 and July 18). I am just making some quick notes of highlights I remember.
July 4 Prayed for the billion dollar child sex trafficking business in this country that God would expose any and all the government officials that are involved in allowing it to continue (not investigating or even talking about it). Bound all the demons behind it. Prayed God would raise up voices of truth about the condition of the church which is keeping it from being a light on the hill and allows the demand side of this evil business to flourish in the darkness. Prayed for God’s light to come on the church and there to be conviction of sexual sin in the church and also conviction of those who allow and even embrace it in the name of being “loving” and that there would be a massive repentance. It is a great offense to the holiness of God.
July 11 Prayed for the church again, that light will come and that God will judge all that is not of Him. Judgment begins at the house of God.
Prayed for the media (both conservative and liberal, but especially the liberal media) that what is true will be surfaced and that all lies will be exposed. We also prayed that the lies on the left would become so odious that even those in the liberal media would see it and not be able to ignore what they see.
Prayed for the lawlessness to be stopped.
July 18: Spent most of the time praying for marriages and families. Prayed that the truth about God’s view of marriage relationships would come to light and begin to be taught and practiced among believers! Prayed God would do whatever was necessary to shine light on the passages of Scripture that are used to hold women in bondage. We prayed that older historical documents would be discovered and be found irrefutable as to their authenticity–and that they would show certain passages that are now sanctioned as “God-breathed” were actually “man-breathed” and included with improper motives in the text in the New Testament, if, indeed, that is true, as many have come to believe.
Answers ? seems very possible (others are praying as well!):
1. The week after we prayed Gen. Flynn’s nightmare would end and not be dragged out. A ruling in his favor took place. Big step in the right direction.
2. The week after we prayed for the sex-trafficking problem, Ghislaine Maxwell (Jeffrey Epsteins cohort the trade) was arrested. She knows all the government officials, etc. names. We prayed she would spill the beans and that God would keep her alive and protect her from any who would want to shut her up.
Quote from CBS News:
Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s former girlfriend who is accused of helping him sexually abuse underage girls, could incriminate “very well-known” people, said Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein’s alleged victims. Giuffre called Maxwell “the mastermind” behind the alleged sex trafficking.
She is in jail without bail. Her trial will be next year. Speed it up, Lord!
3. The week after we prayed for the liberal media, Bari Weiss, New York Times opinion page editor resigned and wrote a scathing letter to the Times about the treatment she received from other Times employees after she allowed Tom Cotton to have a conservative op-ed in the Times. She was called by co-workers a “racist” and “a Nazi.” Here is a quote from her resignation letter:
I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public. And I certainly can’t square how you and other Times leaders have stood by while simultaneously praising me in private for my courage. Showing up for work as a centrist at an American newspaper should not require bravery.
July 25, 2020 at 2:33 pm #6606July 25th prayer.
Some quick notes after our prayer time:We had good prayer again today. Here is a brief list of the topics we prayed for (not in any order):
. Law and order to be restored, spirit of antichrist is lawlessness, anarchy needs to stop
. For Trump to have wisdom about using the Federal gov. / states vs fed gov and vice versa is a scary place to be
. For God’s people to wake up, repent and begin to pray big prayers
. Miracle covid-19 plague removal where God gets the glory
. Durham report to result in prosecutions of criminals
. For the McCloskeys (home defenders) situation to wake up even democrats to fear that could be them
. For many democrats to come out in support of Trump as Vernon Jones in Georgia did
. For Leo Terrell (a civil rights lawyer) who is speaking out against the falseness of the black lives matter movement (he said, “All black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter”)
. For Tom Yoho / OAC clash; that she be stopped
. For us to learn to pray and rule and reign with Christ now in preparation for the future
. For stopping demonic speaking through the mouths of people in the government (example: gang of 5 with AOC) that are speaking in support of anarchy, rioting, etc. in the name of “social justice” etc.
. For truth to surface and prevail in news media and in government.
. To prevent voting fraud especially mail-in votes
. For the rotten apples in government to be uncovered and removedSome asked for this link about Louis Gomhert’s resolution which made me think of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal (where to solve the problems of hunger and too many orphans, he proposed eating the orphans). This resolution speaks loudly to the foolishness of wiping out our history by destroying things and changing names:
Get rid of the name “democrat” because of its ties to the promotion of slavery
August 14, 2020 at 12:33 pm #6706Sorry for not writing about our last few weeks of prayer. We have continued praying about the topics previously mentioned, especially for our country and for the church at large. We are praying for truth to surface in all areas of life, government, church, etc. and for people to be able to KNOW what is true and not be deceived and to make right decisions accordingly.
Last week our main prayer theme turned out to be LET THERE BE LIGHT! For the government we prayed that mail in votes would not be used to steal the election. We prayed for president Trump that he would not be hurt by lies and that every lie formed against him would turn out to be for him (like the striped and speckled sheep story in the Bible about Jacob). For the church, we are praying that individuals will wake up to their personal responsibility to follow Jesus and repent! That they will seek to know Him directly and intimately, depend on Him, and really pray for His kingdom to come, as he told us to do! This includes repentance for passing off individual responsibility to Christian leaders and looking to them to teach us, help us, etc., and includes repenting for praying for church agendas and programs to succeed instead of His kingdom to come! We prayed that bad apple Christian leaders would be exposed (wicked shepherds) and stop hurting God’s sheep. We bound all kinds of false teachings and prophesying to the church, again praying that God’s sheep will be able to recognize wolves.
As for answers to prayer, we continue to hear things in the news that are very encouraging. One of the things we prayed last week in line with LIGHT and TRUTH was that the light would be so bright that died in the wool partisans (whichever party, though most of us have a bent) would be persuadable and willing to change their positions by the light being so bright that they had to acknowledge what was true and act accordingly. Karen sent me an encouraging email this week about one answer in line with this prayer. (Maybe she will post that??? )
We have also been praying that sex-trafficking of children will become a topic that gets far reaching attention and that those behind this great evil who use their positions of power to keep it hidden from the public, will get exposed, caught, and stopped. John sent me this link this morning and if you read it you will see that Tim T. is saying now is the time for this topic to come to light. The story he tells about what his father did and what his family has done in this vein is very inspirational. Here is the link:
Tim Tebow and Human Trafficking-Not on Our Watch
August 25, 2020 at 3:23 pm #6949Sorry again for the late reporting. We continue to pray and be amazed at some specific answers.
Our main prayer is that truth will surface, that lies will be bound, and that people will know what is true so they can make decisions accordingly. We are in a fight for truth and freedom that is fierce.
We have been praying that Democrats who do not like the far left lawlessness and godless policies/practices will be willing to vote for Trump. Last week Kay told us that her granddaughter, who is a Democrat, said that she has been watching Trump and has decided that she actually likes him and will vote for him.
John and I watched CSPAN last night to see the Republican National Convention without all the pundits interrupting. It was so much better doing that! We were able to form our own thoughts about what we were seeing without unwanted input constantly interrupting.
Join me in praying more people will think about CSPAN and watch it this week so they can get an unfiltered version of events, especially Independents and Democrats. One caller who was a Democrat called in to CSPAN after the event. He said that what he heard for himself had changed his mind and he would be voting for Trump.
John and I talked today about how this country was set up by people who wanted to be free from an oppressive religious environment in England and Europe. They wanted to be free to make their own decisions about what they believed and to be able to speak what they believed without facing retribution. They wanted to be able to follow God for themselves and not be told by the church what they could believe or do. The contents of the Constitution show that influence clearly. We are in danger of losing that hard won freedom.
Maybe what lies at the root of what certainly seems to be God’s hand of judgment all around us is our misuse of the freedom that this country’s fathers secured for us (our using it to do what we want instead of using it to follow the Lord and let Him lead us into the good works He has for each of us). (We have been reading a lot in the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel lately, so it’s hard not to see the parallels in our times.)
Last Saturday, we also prayed for believers everywhere to wake up and start seeking Jesus for themselves and learning to follow Him. We prayed God’s light would shine on any and all corruption in the church (idolatry and sexual sin in particular) and rescue his people from following and lifting up Christian leaders instead of Him.
It is time for God’s people to repent for using their freedom to serve themselves and not Him.
We prayed for Kay’s husband last week and his Covid test came back negative.
Didn’t make notes about the last few weeks prayer so I can’t write more than this, but am feeling very encouraged that God is hearing us and wants us to ask. “You have not because you ask not.”
August 25, 2020 at 4:49 pm #6950I want to say something about idols, since they can definitely hinder our prayer life. If we don’t think we have any, it’s best to check often with the Lord and keep short accounts with Him. For example, just this morning, my husband was praying over his breakfast, and he said something like this, “Father, you are the One and only God, the only God I worship…” Immediately, he heard the Lord speaking in his heart, “Look at your plate. No, You worship your stomach.” He was quite taken back, and very ashamed. He ate about a third of the food, then put the rest into the fridge for tomorrow. (I hope he confessed his sin to the Father, but if he didn’t, it may come back to haunt him.)
Meeting every week to pray like this is a great way to be held accountable. Thanks, Jane, for working out the forum to include this prayer section. I believe this is going to be a big help for us to keep accounts of what’s happening and to share our feelings and burdens. Looking forward to praying, especially about the Presidential election. Exciting things to come!!
August 25, 2020 at 5:57 pm #6951August 25, 2020 at 6:44 pm #6954Here is what the Democrat that called CSPAN had to say: “It’s the heartfelt way they came across to the American people, and I was really touched by the number of times they used the word ‘God.’ They put God into everything. And the people on the Democratic side on their convention act like they were pushing God right out of it. And that had a lot to do with changing my mind.”
August 25, 2020 at 9:49 pm #6955Some notes from the RNC tonight.
Considering all we have learned about God’s view of women and the purpose of “Them” that God has been showing us, I found this quote at the convention tonight to be significant:
“The day will come when man
will recognize woman as his peer,
not only at the fireside,
but in the councils of the nation.Then, and not until then,
will there be the perfect comradeship,
the ideal union between the sexes
that shall result in
the highest development of the race.”
–Susan B. AnthonyNations that empower women are much wealthier, safer, and much more politically stable.”
–President Donald J. Trump.Women and Trump: The first woman to manage a winning presidential election, Kelly Ann Conway; also first black woman to represent in a winning campaign (communiations director) ?; Three women press secretaries, all working mothers (Sarah Sanders, a mom, Stephanie Grisham, a single mom, Kayleigh McEnany, who transitioned into the job of press secretary while transitioning into the job of a mom.) All dedicated, amazing, brilliant women. Trump’s senior staff women have approximately 75 children among them. Trump respects those who work hard and treats capable women with respect and confidence not because of their gender, but their capabilities. There are more women on his team than any president ever before. When the stakes are highest, he is proud to give the most important and critical jobs to women.
“Only the President would say, let’s take that stay-at-home mom and let her run the Republican party. What a smart guy.” –Ronna McDaniel.
Tiffany Trump – a recent graduate asked what kind of country do we want to live in. My father will build it again (after pandemic)! This is a fight for freedom vs oppression. Make judgment based on results not rhetoric. Misinformation system keeps people mentally enslaved. We need truth to make good decisions. Why is one view point promoted while one is shut down. Why? Our nations suffers by inhibiting our diversity of thought. She quoted the man from Cuba who spoke last night, having witnessed Castro’s takeover through lies. He said, “If freedom is lost in this country, there is no place left to go.”
Many people spoke showcasing all the things Trump has done. An unbelievable number.
Opened with a charismatic prayer, full of faith, blessing, and “in the name of Jesus” Numerous testimonies about life-changing faith.
August 26, 2020 at 11:49 pm #6956Quick update after watching the RNC again tonight on CSPAN. I could see by the call -ins afterwards that our prayers are being answered that God would make truth heard and understood so that people could decide based on facts not lies or spin. I lost count of how many callers called in to say they were Democrats, but were going to vote for Trump because they did not like the track of the Democratic party towards socialism. They don’t want the police defunded and they don’t want to lose the freedom we take for granted in America. They believe Trump cares about the right things to keep America. One said that the last straw for him was Trump being attacked from day one of his presidency and the democrats not even giving him a chance. Lord, let there be more and more light! Bind all political darkness and give us leaders who will take care of our being able to live quiet and peaceful lives so that we may serve You!
August 27, 2020 at 3:57 pm #6957Amen! Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer and answering!
Regarding the Republican National Convention, I have been impressed with so many references to President Abraham Lincoln – especially since there is this website (made up of mostly Republicans) who want to “defeat Trumpism.”
How strange – and stranger still is that Kellyanne Conway’s husband is a member of such! What turmoil their family must have been in these past years and I certainly understand her desire to step down as counselor to the President.
Here is a good interview with her:
She is a strong woman for sure!
August 27, 2020 at 6:09 pm #6959I find it interesting that something the Lincoln project people said about Lincoln on their home page sounds like Trump:
“Lincoln always kept the enormous human cost of the struggle in the front of his mind. At Gettysburg, he implored us not to forget those that had given “their last full measure of devotion” to preserving the American experiment. As it became clear that the Union would be victorious, Lincoln’s thoughts turned to how the nation would ‘bind up its wounds’ and move forward together.”
If they were listening to Trump himself and not the liberal spinning pundits, they might realize how this Lincoln quote doesn’t work for people like us who are actually listening to Trump. Their failure to recognize that this is how many see Trump points to the darkness they are in and to the work of the devil to blind minds.
Lord Jesus, we continue to pray, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” Let what is true surface and all the darkness be chased away! We pray for Kelly Anne’s husband that he will have an awakening that comes from a visitation by your Spirit. Bless Kelly Anne and her husband and make them one in You! With you nothing is impossible!
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